

2022-11-09 04:24:45 全球排行榜123网 高科技


Google学术各领域期刊排名前20(附2022最新排名前十名单):本期青塔人才为大家分享各领域前20的期刊或会议,排名依据是Google学术track到的引用量。数据挖掘和分析Publication1ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining2IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering3International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Stati……全球排行榜123网www.meihu5.com)小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解对你有所帮助!




1 ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
2 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
3 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
4 ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
5 ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
6 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop (ICDMW)
7 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
8 Knowledge and Information Systems
9 ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)
10 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM)
11 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
12 IEEE International Conference on Big Data
13 European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases
14 Journal of Big Data
15 ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)
16 Social Network Analysis and Mining
17 Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD)
18 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification
19 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA)
20 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis
1 Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)
2 International Conference on Learning Representations
3 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
4 Expert Systems with Applications
5 IEEE Transactions On Systems, Man And Cybernetics Part B, Cybernetics
6 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
7 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
8 Applied Soft Computing
9 Neurocomputing
10 The Journal of Machine Learning Research
11 IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
12 Knowledge-Based Systems
13 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)
14 Neural Computing and Applications
15 Neural Networks
16 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
17 Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems
18 Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
19 Robotics and Autonomous Systems
20 Conference on Learning Theory (COLT)
1 American Economic Review
2 The Journal of Finance
3 The Quarterly Journal of Economics
4 The Review of Financial Studies
5 Journal of Economic Perspectives
6 Econometrica
7 Journal of Political Economy
8 The Review of Economic Studies
9 The Economic Journal
10 Review of Economics and Statistics
11 Journal of Public Economics
12 Journal of Development Economics
13 Journal of International Economics
14 Journal of Labor Economics
15 Journal of Monetary Economics
16 Economic Modelling
17 Journal of the European Economic Association
18 European Economic Review
19 Journal of Economic Literature
20 Journal of Economic Surveys
1 Management Information Systems Quarterly
2 International Journal of Information Management
3 Information & Management
4 American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
5 Business Horizons
6 American Journal of Agricultural Economics
7 Information Systems Research
8 International Journal of Forecasting
9 European Journal of Information Systems
10 Procedia Economics and Finance
11 Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
12 Industrial Management & Data Systems
13 Journal of Management Information Systems
14 Family Business Review
15 British Food Journal
16 Journal of Information Technology
17 Journal of Economic Psychology
18 Journal of Enterprise Information Management
19 Agricultural Economics
20 New Political Economy
1 The Accounting Review
2 Journal of Accounting and Economics
3 Journal of Accounting Research
4 Contemporary Accounting Research
5 Review of Accounting Studies
6 Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
7 Critical Perspectives on Accounting
8 Accounting, Organizations and Society
9 Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory
10 The British Accounting Review
11 Management Accounting Research
12 Accounting Horizons
13 Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
14 European Accounting Review
15 Journal of Business Finance & Accounting
16 Accounting and Business Research
17 Accounting & Finance
18 Accounting Forum
19 Managerial Auditing Journal
20 International Tax and Public Finance
1 American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
2 Journal of Monetary Economics
3 European Economic Review
4 Journal of International Money and Finance
5 American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
6 Journal of Financial Stability
7 Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
8 Review of Economic Dynamics
9 Journal of Macroeconomics
10 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
11 Oxford Review Of Economic Policy
12 IMF Economic Review
13 The World Bank Economic Review
14 International Journal of Central Banking
15 The Scandinavian Journal of Economics
16 Annual Review of Financial Economics
17 Utilities Policy
18 Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
19 Journal of Policy Modeling
20 Bank of England. Quarterly Bulletin
1 Journal of Financial Economics
2 The Journal of Finance
3 The Review of Financial Studies
4 Journal of Banking & Finance
5 Journal of Accounting and Economics
6 Journal of Corporate Finance
7 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
8 Review of Finance
9 Journal of International Money and Finance
10 Journal of Financial Stability
11 Review of Accounting Studies
12 Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
13 International Review of Financial Analysis
14 Quantitative Finance
15 Corporate Governance: An International Review
16 International Review of Economics & Finance
17 Research in International Business and Finance
18 Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
19 Mathematical Finance
20 Journal of Financial Intermediation
1 Early Childhood Research Quarterly
2 Reading and Writing
3 Early Childhood Education Journal
4 Reading Research Quarterly
5 Early Education and Development
6 The Reading Teacher
7 Early Childhood Development and Care
8 Journal of Research in Reading
9 European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
10 Scientific Studies of Reading
11 The Elementary School Journal
12 Journal of Early Childhood Literacy
13 Early Years
14 International Journal of Early Years Education
15 Journal of Research in Childhood Education
16 Journal of Early Childhood Research
17 International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education
18 Education 3-13
19 Dyslexia
20 Australasian Journal of Early Childhood
1 Trends in Cognitive Sciences
2 Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
3 Cognition
4 Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
5 Cortex
6 Neuropsychologia
7 Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
8 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
9 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
10 Journal of Memory and Language
11 The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
12 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
13 Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
14 Cognition and Emotion
15 Brain and Cognition
16 Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
17 Brain and Language
18 Memory & Cognition
19 Learning & Memory
20 Applied Cognitive Psychology
1 Journal of Child and Family Studies
2 Journal of Marriage and Family
3 Journal of Family Psychology
4 Journal of Family Issues
5 Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review
6 Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
7 Family Process
8 Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
9 Family Relations
10 Journal of Family Theory & Review
11 Journal of Family and Economic Issues
12 Journal of GLBT Family Studies
13 Journal of Family Communication
14 Personal Relationships
15 Community, Work & Family
16 Contemporary Family Therapy
17 Journal of Family Therapy
18 The Family Journal
19 Partner Abuse
20 Journal of Divorce & Remarriage
1 Psychology of Women Quarterly
2 Feminist Media Studies
3 Women's Studies International Forum
4 Hypatia
5 Signs
6 European Journal of Women's Studies
7 International Feminist Journal of Politics
8 Feminism & Psychology
9 Feminist Review
10 Feminist Theory
11 Australian Feminist Studies
12 Journal of Lesbian Studies
13 Differences
14 NORA-Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research
15 Feminist Studies
16 WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly
17 Feminist Formations
18 Feminist Legal Studies
19 Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory
20 Women's History Review
1 Progress in Human Geography
2 Applied Geography
3 Journal of Economic Geography
4 International Journal of Geographical Information Science
5 Annals of the Association of American Geographers
6 Political Geography
7 Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
8 Urban Geography
9 Tourism Geographies
10 Geography Compass
11 Journal of Geographical Sciences
12 Progress in Physical Geography
13 Economic Geography
14 The Geographical Journal
15 Cultural Geographies
16 Area
17 Transactions in GIS
18 Social & Cultural Geography
19 Geopolitics
20 The Professional Geographer
1 Health Affairs
2 Journal of Health Economics
3 Health Policy
4 Health Policy and Planning
5 Health Services Research
6 Health Research Policy and Systems
7 Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy
8 The Milbank Quarterly
9 Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
10 American Health & Drug Benefits
11 Medical Care Research and Review
12 The International Journal of Health Planning and Management
13 Health Economics, Policy and Law
14 Journal of Public Health Policy
15 Issue brief (Commonwealth Fund)
16 Health Systems & Reform
17 INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing
18 International Journal of Health Economics and Management
19 Medical Law Review
20 American Journal of Law & Medicine
1 Studies in Higher Education
2 Higher Education
3 Research in Higher Education
4 Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education
5 The Journal of Higher Education
6 Higher Education Research & Development
7 Journal of Studies in International Education
8 Journal of College Student Development
9 Teaching in Higher Education
10 Innovations in Education and Teaching International
11 College Student Journal
12 Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
13 Community College Journal of Research and Practice
14 The Review of Higher Education
15 Innovative Higher Education
16 Journal of International Students
17 Journal of Further and Higher Education
18 Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
19 International Journal of Doctoral Studies
20 Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
1 The Journal of Economic History
2 The Economic History Review
3 Business History
4 The American Historical Review
5 Journal of Historical Geography
6 Journal of American History
7 Comparative Studies in Society and History
8 Past & Present
9 The History of the Family
10 History and Theory
11 Enterprise & Society
12 Diplomatic History
13 History Workshop Journal
14 Business History Review
15 Journal of Global History
16 Journal of Urban History
17 Twentieth Century British History
18 Radical History Review
19 Journal of Interdisciplinary History
20 Bylye Gody
1 Journal of Management
2 Academy of Management Journal
3 International Journal of Project Management
4 The Leadership Quarterly
5 Journal of Organizational Behavior
6 Journal of Vocational Behavior
7 Academy of Management Review
8 Journal of Management Studies
9 Organization Science
10 Journal of Labor Economics
11 The International Journal of Human Resource Management
12 Organization Studies
13 Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
14 Human Relations
15 Administrative Science Quarterly
16 Academy of Management Proceedings
17 International Journal of Management Reviews
18 Journal of Knowledge Management
19 Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
20 Academy of Management Perspectives
1 Yale Law Journal
2 Harvard Law Review
3 Columbia Law Review
4 Stanford Law Review
5 Georgetown Law Journal
6 University of Pennsylvania Law Review
7 University of Chicago Law Review
8 Texas Law Review
9 California Law Review
10 Iowa Law Review
11 UCLA Law Review
12 Virginia Law Review
13 Minnesota Law Review
14 Michigan Law Review
15 Duke Law Journal
16 Vanderbilt Law Review
17 Fordham Law Review
18 Boston University Law Review
19 New York University Law Review
20 Notre Dame Law Review
1 American Journal of Political Science
2 American Political Science Review
3 Journal of European Public Policy
4 The Journal of Politics
5 Comparative Political Studies
6 JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies
7 British Journal of Political Science
8 Journal of Democracy
9 Party Politics
10 Annual Review of Political Science
11 West European Politics
12 European Journal of Political Research
13 Political Studies
14 Electoral Studies
15 Governance
16 Democratization
17 Political Behavior
18 Political Research Quarterly
19 World Politics
20 Political Analysis
1 American Journal of Public Health
2 BMC Public Health
3 American Journal of Preventive Medicine
4 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
5 International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
6 Tobacco Control
7 Preventive Medicine
8 Nicotine & Tobacco Research
9 Bulletin of the World Health Organization
10 AIDS and behavior
11 Annual Reviews of Public Health
12 European Journal of Public Health
13 NCHS Data Brief
14 Health Policy and Planning
15 Global Health Action
16 Preventing Chronic Disease
17 Journal of Physical Activity & Health
18 International Journal for Equity in Health
19 Health Promotion International
20 Journal of Health Communication
1 Public Administration Review
2 Public Management Review
3 Journal Of Public Administration Research And Theory
4 Public Administration
5 Governance
6 The American Review of Public Administration
7 Policy Studies Journal
8 Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy
9 Science and Public Policy
10 Policy Sciences
11 Policy & Politics
12 Administration & Society
13 Social Policy & Administration
14 International Review of Administrative Sciences
15 Review of Public Personnel Administration
16 Local Government Studies
17 Policy and Society
18 International Journal of Public Administration
19 International Public Management Journal
20 Public Performance & Management Review
1 American Sociological Review
2 Demography
3 Antipode
4 Annual Review of Sociology
5 Journal of Marriage and Family
6 Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
7 Sociology
8 American Journal of Sociology
9 Ethnic and Racial Studies
10 British Journal of Social Work
11 Social Forces
12 European Sociological Review
13 Social Science Research
14 Justice Quarterly
15 Social Networks
16 British Journal Of Criminology
17 Qualitative Research
18 Socio-Economic Review
19 Criminology
20 Journal of Family Issues
1 Archives of Sexual Behavior
2 The Journal of Sex Research
3 Journal of Homosexuality
4 Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
5 LGBT Health
6 Culture, Health & Sexuality
7 Sexual Abuse
8 Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
9 Sexualities
10 Sexual Health
11 Sexuality Research and Social Policy
12 Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
13 Sex Education
14 Sexuality & Culture
15 Sexual and Relationship Therapy
16 Sexual Medicine Reviews
17 Sexuality and Disability
18 Psychology & Sexuality
19 The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality
20 Journal of LGBT Youth
1 Journal of Cleaner Production
2 Journal of Environmental Management
3 Ecological Economics
4 Environmental Science & Policy
5 Sustainability
6 Ecology and Society
7 Ecosystem Services
8 Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
9 The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
10 Journal of Industrial Ecology
11 Business Strategy and the Environment
12 Journal of Sustainable Tourism
13 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
14 Annual Review of Environment and Resources
15 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
16 Environmental Impact Assessment Review
17 Environmental Management
18 Sustainability Science
19 Local Environment
20 Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
1 Landscape and Urban Planning
2 Land Use Policy
3 Regional Studies
4 Urban Studies
5 Cities
6 Habitat International
7 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
8 Environment and Planning A
9 Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
10 Journal of Urban Economics
11 Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
12 European Planning Studies
13 Cambridge Journal Of Regions, Economy And Society
14 Local Environment
15 Urban Geography
16 Regional Science and Urban Economics
17 European Urban and Regional Studies
18 Papers in Regional Science
19 Environment and Urbanization
20 Housing Studies
1 Teaching and Teacher Education
2 Review of Educational Research
3 British Journal of Educational Technology
4 Educational Researcher
5 The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning
6 Studies in Higher Education
7 Learning and Instruction
8 Educational Psychology Review
9 Higher Education
10 American Educational Research Journal
11 Contemporary Educational Psychology
12 Early Childhood Research Quarterly
13 Economics of Education Review
14 Journal of Research in Science Teaching
15 Journal of Teacher Education
16 Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
17 Urban Education
18 Teachers College Record
19 Educational Research Review
20 TESOL Quarterly
1 Journal of Educational Psychology
2 Educational Psychology Review
3 Journal of Counseling Psychology
4 Learning and Individual Differences
5 Contemporary Educational Psychology
6 Educational Psychologist
7 School Psychology Quarterly
8 Journal of Counseling & Development
9 Journal of School Psychology
10 British Journal of Educational Psychology
11 Psychology in the schools
12 Educational Psychology
13 Social Psychology of Education
14 Learning Disability Quarterly
15 School Psychology Review
16 Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
17 School Psychology International
18 Counselor Education and Supervision
19 Professional Counselor
20 Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology
1 China Economic Review
2 The China Quarterly
3 Journal of Contemporary China
4 China Journal
5 Chinese Journal of Communication
6 China & World Economy
7 Chinese Management Studies
8 Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
9 Journal of Chinese Political Science
10 China Information
11 China Agricultural Economic Review
12 Modern China
13 China Economic Journal
14 China Perspectives
15 China Review
16 Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies
17 The Chinese Economy
18 Chinese Political Science Review
19 Frontiers of Economics in China
20 Issues & Studies
1 Criminal Justice and Behavior
2 Justice Quarterly
3 British Journal Of Criminology
4 Law and Human Behavior
5 Criminology
6 Journal of Criminal Justice
7 Journal of Quantitative Criminology
8 Crime & Delinquency
9 Criminology & Public Policy
10 Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
11 Journal of Experimental Criminology
12 Sexual Abuse
13 International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
14 Theoretical Criminology
15 Policing and Society
16 European Journal of Criminology
17 Criminology & Criminal Justice
18 Psychology, Crime & Law
19 Punishment & Society
20 American Journal of Criminal Justice
1 The Journal of Economic History
2 The Economic History Review
3 Business History
4 Explorations in Economic History
5 Review of Keynesian Economics
6 European Review of Economic History
7 History of Political Economy
8 The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
9 Accounting History
10 Journal of the History of Economic Thought
11 Scandinavian Economic History Review
12 Australian Economic History Review
13 History of economic ideas
14 The Indian Economic & Social History Review
15 Agricultural History Review
16 Œconomia. History, Methodology, Philosophy
17 Labour History
18 Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis
19 Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis/The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History
20 History of Economics Review
1 World Development
2 Food Policy
3 Journal of Development Economics
4 The Journal of Peasant Studies
5 Third World Quarterly
6 The Journal of Development Studies
7 The World Bank Economic Review
8 Journal of International Development
9 Development and Change
10 Development Policy Review
11 Journal of Agrarian Change
12 African Development Review
13 The European Journal of Development Research
14 Journal of African Economies
15 Economic Development and Cultural Change
16 Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
17 The Journal of Developing Areas
18 Development Southern Africa
19 IDS Bulletin
20 Progress in Development Studies
1 Journal of Conflict Resolution
2 International Organization
3 Foreign Affairs
4 Journal of Peace Research
5 Journal of Democracy
6 International Studies Quarterly
7 Third World Quarterly
8 Review of International Political Economy
9 International Affairs
10 European Journal of International Relations
11 Security Dialogue
12 World Politics
13 Studies in Conflict & Terrorism
14 Terrorism and Political Violence
15 Review of International Studies
16 Journal of European Integration
17 Geopolitics
18 Post-Soviet Affairs
19 Global Policy
20 Conflict Management and Peace Science
1 Energy Policy
2 Energy Economics
3 Energy Research & Social Science
4 Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
5 Marine Policy
6 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
7 Annual Review of Environment and Resources
8 Climate Policy
9 Environmental Impact Assessment Review
10 Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
11 Energy Journal
12 Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
13 Climate and Development
14 Resource and Energy Economics
15 Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
16 Global Environmental Politics
17 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment
18 Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning
19 International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics
20 Energy Efficiency
1 Global Environmental Change
2 Social Science & Medicine
3 Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences
4 Information, Communication & Society
5 Government Information Quarterly
6 Geoforum
7 Business Horizons
8 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change
9 Social Indicators Research
10 Health & Place
11 Journal of Rural Studies
12 The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences
13 Political Psychology
14 American Behavioral Scientist
15 Resources Policy
16 Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
17 Agriculture and Human Values
18 The Qualitative Report
19 Big Data & Society
20 Public Understanding of Science
1 Research Policy
2 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
3 Small Business Economics
4 Journal of Business Venturing
5 Journal of Product Innovation Management
6 Technovation
7 International Small Business Journal
8 Journal of Small Business Management
9 The Journal of Technology Transfer
10 International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
11 R&D Management
12 Journal of Intellectual Capital
13 Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
14 Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
15 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
16 Creativity and Innovation Management
17 International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
18 Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
19 Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
20 European Journal of Innovation Management
1 Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
2 ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce
3 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
4 Games and Economic Behavior
5 Theoretical Economics
6 Experimental Economics
7 Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
8 Decision Sciences
9 Group Decision and Negotiation
10 Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
11 Simulation & Gaming
12 Social Choice and Welfare
13 Journal of Artificial Societies & Social Simulation
14 Theory and Decision
15 International Conference on Web and Internet Economics
16 Mathematical Social Sciences
17 Conference on the Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec)
18 Dynamic Games and Applications
19 International Journal of Game Theory
20 Games
1 Journal of Business Research
2 Journal of Marketing
3 Industrial Marketing Management
4 Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
5 Journal of Consumer Research
6 Journal of Marketing Research
7 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
8 Journal of Retailing
9 Marketing Science
10 Psychology & Marketing
11 Journal of Service Research
12 Journal of Consumer Psychology
13 Journal of Advertising
14 Journal of Marketing Management
15 European Journal of Marketing
16 International Journal of Research in Marketing
17 International Journal of Bank Marketing
18 International Journal of Consumer Studies
19 Journal of Services Marketing
20 Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
1 Journal of Business Research
2 Management Science
3 Strategic Management Journal
4 Journal of Management
5 Academy of Management Journal
6 Technological Forecasting and Social Change
7 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
8 Industrial Marketing Management
9 Journal of Business Venturing
10 Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
11 Harvard Business Review
12 Omega
13 Academy of Management Review
14 Journal of Product Innovation Management
15 Journal of Management Studies
16 Organization Science
17 Journal of Corporate Finance
18 Journal of Operations Management
19 Administrative Science Quarterly
20 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
1 Tourism Management
2 International Journal of Hospitality Management
3 Annals of Tourism Research
4 Journal of Travel Research
5 International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
6 Journal of Sustainable Tourism
7 Current Issues in Tourism
8 International Journal of Tourism Research
9 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
10 Tourism Management Perspectives
11 Journal of Destination Marketing & Management
12 Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
13 Tourism Geographies
14 Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management
15 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
16 Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
17 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
18 Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism
19 Journal of Vacation Marketing
20 Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
1 Sex Roles
2 Psychology of Women Quarterly
3 Gender & Society
4 Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
5 Psychology of Men & Masculinity
6 Feminist Media Studies
7 Gender, Place & Culture
8 Gender, Work & Organization
9 Women's Studies International Forum
10 Journal of Gender Studies
11 Men and Masculinities
12 Gender and Education
13 Politics & Gender
14 Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society
15 Sexuality & Culture
16 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal
17 European Journal of Women's Studies
18 International Feminist Journal of Politics
19 International Journal of Transgenderism
20 Transgender Studies Quarterly
1 International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference
2 Psychology of Music
3 Journal of Research in Music Education
4 Musicae Scientiae
5 Journal of New Music Research
6 Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal
7 International Journal of Music Education
8 New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME)
9 Nordic Journal of Music Therapy
10 Music Education Research
11 Medical Problems of Performing Artists
12 Music Educators Journal
13 Popular Music and Society
14 Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain
15 Music Therapy Perspectives
16 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)
17 Update: Applications of Research in Music Education
18 Computer Music Journal
19 Action, Criticism & Theory for Music Education
20 British Journal of Music Education
1 Journal of Religion and Health
2 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
3 Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
4 Religion, Brain & Behavior
5 Mental Health, Religion & Culture
6 Sociology of Religion
7 Religions
8 The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion
9 Hervormde Teologiese Studies
10 Journal of Psychology and Theology
11 Zygon
12 Politics and Religion
13 Review of Religious Research
14 Pastoral Psychology
15 Religion
16 Social Compass
17 Verbum et Ecclesia
18 Journal of Contemporary Religion
19 British Journal of Religious Education
20 Journal of Catholic Education
1 New Media & Society
2 Journal of Communication
3 Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
4 International Journal of Communication
5 Digital Journalism
6 Communication Research
7 Public Relations Review
8 Journal of Advertising
9 Journalism
10 Journalism Studies
11 Journalism Practice
12 Journal of Pragmatics
13 Social Media+ Society
14 Media, Culture & Society
15 Public Opinion Quarterly
16 Political Communication
17 Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
18 International Journal of Advertising
19 Television & New Media
20 Communication Theory
1 Cinema Journal
2 New Review of Film and Television Studies
3 Critical Studies in Television
4 Black Camera
5 Screen
6 Journal of Film and Video
7 Studies in Documentary Film
8 Adaptation
9 Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies
10 Film Quarterly
11 Journal of Popular Film and Television
12 Quarterly Review of Film and Video
13 Studies in Australasian Cinema
14 Film-Philosophy
15 Film History
16 Journal of British Cinema and Television
17 Transnational Cinemas
18 Film Criticism
19 The Velvet Light Trap
20 Feminist Media Histories
1 Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
2 Ethnic and Racial Studies
3 Race Ethnicity and Education
4 Cultural Studies
5 European Journal of Cultural Studies
6 International Journal of Cultural Studies
7 International Journal of Cultural Policy
8 Nationalities Papers
9 Ethnicities
10 Identities
11 Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
12 Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
13 Journal of Black Studies
14 Comparative Migration Studies
15 Social Identities
16 Patterns of Prejudice
17 Ethnopolitics
18 Nations and Nationalism
19 Race & Class
20 Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race






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    苹果怎么设置桌面歌词 苹果如何设置桌面歌词1.第一打开iPhone手机里下载的酷狗音乐app。2. 打开进入到酷狗音乐首页,然后点开页面左上角的三横杠。3. 打开之后页面左边会弹出一个设置栏,在页面最下方有个通知栏歌词。4. 点击打开...

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    如何缩小电脑桌面图标的大小 怎样调整手机桌面图标大小

    如何缩小电脑桌面图标 如何使桌面图标变小1.首在右键单击桌面空白处,选择【查看】。2. 选择【中图标】或者【小图标】就可以解决了; 或者在桌面空白处右键选择【查看】,点击【自动排列图标】,再按住【Ctrl】键,滑动鼠标中间的滚轮,往前滑图标...

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  • 2022全球十大蓝牙运动耳机排名(附2022最新排名前十名单)

    蓝牙运动耳机现在基本上是运动爱好者的标配,比较传统耳机带来的束缚感,蓝牙运动耳机将会更加的便捷易于携带。但是有不少朋友可能一直苦恼于不知道该选择什么牌子的耳机好,下面小编将为大家带来2022全球十大蓝牙运动耳机排名,一起来看看都有哪些高水准的蓝牙运动耳机品牌吧。10.万魔 1 MORE ibree 运动蓝牙耳机国产耳机品牌万魔的口碑其实也很不错,其开始是小米供应链的重要厂商,在推出电竞蓝牙耳机后,为其积攒了不少人气。而这款外观颜色多彩,符合大众审美需求的1 MORE ibree运动耳机自上市后也获得了一大...

    2022-11-05 蓝牙前十耳机
  • 2022年十大阅读APP排行榜(附2022最新排名前十名单)

    1、掌阅是掌阅科技公司推出的一款app阅读软件,成立于2008年9月,全球范围类领先的数字阅读平台,月活跃用户1.4亿左右。主要业务包括掌阅文学、掌阅精选、掌阅APP等,多年来与全球600多家版权方有合作,为150多个国家的用户提供高品质量智能化的阅读体验。2017年掌阅科技在国内上市,先后获得国内、国际上多个优质奖项。 2、微信读书微信读书是微信于2015年推出的一款线上读书平台,注册用户数高达2.1亿,每天的活跃用户有500万左右,很大一批高质量用户,在校大学生本科硕士用户占比高达80%,很多一线二线...

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