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鼠年生人 Rat personality traits
People born in the Year of the Rat are one of the most industrious and hardest working in the zodiac.
Forever busy in pursuit of an ambitious personal goal, at times they may become difficult to work with since they are born perfectionists. Rats must ensure that every "i" is dotted before completing an assigned task. As a result, they are often successful financially, and are good providers for their family and those they cherish most dearly.
Charlotte Bronte(夏洛蒂•勃朗特)
Truman Capote(杜鲁门•卡波特)
Prince Charles(查尔斯王子)
Sasha Cohen(莎莎•科恩)
Peter the Great(彼得大帝)
Scarlett Johansson(斯嘉丽•约翰逊)
Wolfgang Mozart(沃尔夫冈•莫扎特)
William Shakespeare(威廉•莎士比亚)
Leo Tolstoy(列夫•托尔斯泰)
George Washington(乔治•华盛顿)
牛年生人 Ox personality traits
People born in the Year of the Ox are the supremely self-assured, and as a result are noted for inspiring confidence in others. Generally patient and thoughtful, they measure their words, and will speak clearly and concisely often when it matters most.
Born to lead, Ox people can be quite stubborn — but also stubbornly loyal to those they love. However, when opposed, their fierce tempers are legendary. So always follow this very wise advice: never cross an Ox!
Johann Sebastian Bach(约翰•塞巴斯蒂安•巴赫)
Napoleon Bonaparte(拿破仑•波拿巴)
Charlie Chaplin(查理•卓别林)
George Clooney(乔治•克鲁尼)
Walt Disney(沃尔特•迪斯尼)
Anton Dvorak(安东•德沃夏克)
Clark Gable(克拉克•盖博)
Richard Nixon(理查德•尼克松)
Barack Obama(贝拉克•奥巴马)
Wayne Rooney(韦恩•鲁尼)
Vincent Van Gogh(文森特•梵高)
虎年生人Tiger personality traits
One of the most dynamic signs in the Chinese zodiac, Tigers are by turns fascinating, commanding, and exasperating.
They are patient but short-tempered, calm but rebellious, petty but noble, fearsome but affectionate, free spirits but fiercely territorial.
With their many & various personality traits, Tigers are also - not surprisingly - noted for a marked reluctance to make up their minds.
Emily Bronte(艾米丽•勃朗特)
Tom Cruise(汤姆•克鲁斯)
Emily Dickinson(艾米丽•狄金森)
Dwight D. Eisenhower(德怀特•艾森豪威尔)
Karl Marx(卡尔•马克思)
Marilyn Monroe(玛丽莲•梦露)
Marco Polo(马可•波罗)
Groucho Marx(格鲁丘•马克思)
Queen Elizabeth II(英国女王伊丽莎白二世)
兔年生人 Rabbit personality traits
Although generally calm, gentle and loving, Rabbit people can be very ambitious and intuitively know how to get ahead in the world.
They are good listeners, kind and sweet by nature, and are therefore often sought out as popular and trusted friends. Generally noted for their physical beauty, Rabbits like to surround themselves with beautiful things. They have a good eye for art, design and fashion, and are usually at the top of anyone's Best Dressed list.
Others may call the Rabbit timid, but those born under this sign rightly view themselves as wise and cautious.
Albert Einstein(阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦)
Leon Trotsky(列夫•托洛茨基)
Pope Benedict XVI(教皇本尼迪克十六世)
Angelina Jolie(安吉丽娜•朱莉)
Brad Pitt(布拉德•皮特)
Johnny Depp(约翰尼•德普)
David Beckham(大卫•贝克汉姆)
Tiger Woods(老虎•伍兹)
Whitney Houston(惠特妮•休斯顿)
龙年生人 Dragon personality traits
Seemingly born under a lucky star, the dragon is the most vital and powerful of any in the Chinese zodiac, although with an infamous reputation for being a hothead - and possessing a sharp tongue!
At any social gathering, you know a Dragon has entered the room as the air starts to tingle with the energy they exude. Enthusiastic, and confident sometimes to the point of swaggering, Dragon people inspire confidence in others with their honesty and quick wit.
Joan of Arc(圣女贞德)
Sigmund Freud(西格蒙德•佛洛伊德)
Mae West(梅•韦斯特)
John Lennon(约翰•列侬)
Bruce Lee(李小龙)
Keanu Reeves(基努•里维斯)
Orlando Bloom(奥兰多•布鲁姆)
Colin Farrell(科林•法瑞尔)
蛇年生人 Snake personality traits
Like a deep river, Snake people are usually placid on the surface, but their thoughts and emotions run very deep.
Quiet and unassuming, they prefer to work by themselves and are more often in the spotlight for their real and lasting accomplishments than for outward attempts at garnering attention.
Snakes hate to fail, and are very lucky when it comes to making money. With reputations for being hoarders, they are very frugal and careful about lending money to friends for frivolous reasons.
Bob Dylan(鲍勃•迪伦)
John F. Kennedy(约翰•F•肯尼迪)
James Joyce(詹姆斯•乔伊斯)
Pablo Picasso(帕勃洛•毕加索)
Martha Stewart(玛莎•斯图尔特)
Kanye West(坎耶·维斯特)
Oprah Winfrey(奥普拉•温弗莉)
马年生人 Horse personality traits
Like Tigers with whom they are most compatible, Horse people can be a jumble of contradictions.
Cool but hot-blooded, hard-nosed but humble, impatient but extraordinarily tolerant, the Horse is above all defined by hard work and self-reliance.
Although Horses work well in groups, they prefer to work by themselves and exhibit extraordinary levels of energy and concentration. They are good with their hands, but can be seen happily losing themselves in accomplishing any given task.
James Dean(詹姆斯•迪恩)
Clint Eastwood(克林特•伊斯特伍德)
Harrison Ford(哈里森•福特)
Aretha Franklin(艾瑞莎•富兰克林)
Janet Jackson(珍妮•杰克逊)
Sandra Day O'Connor(桑德拉•戴•奥康纳)
Teddy Roosevelt(泰迪•罗斯福)
Mike Tyson(迈克•泰森)
Boris Yeltsin(鲍里斯•叶利钦)
羊年生人 Sheep personality traits
The most creative sign in the Chinese zodiac, those born in the Year of the Sheep (also known as the Year of the Ram or Goat) are often artistic, sensitive, sweet and charming.
Shy by nature, Sheep are not the most practical of people and, although well-mannered, they may occasionally suffer from "hoof-in-mouth disease" by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Still, with their considerable charm and innocence, Sheep never lack for protective friends and admirers. This is especially so among family members, to whom they are strongly attached.
Jane Austen(简•奥斯丁)
Jamie Foxx(杰米•福克斯)
Mel Gibson(梅尔•吉布森)
Franz Liszt(弗朗兹•李斯特)
Michael Owen(迈克尔•欧文)
Mark Twain(马克•吐温)
Rudolph Valentino(鲁道夫•瓦伦蒂诺)
Bruce Willis(布鲁斯•威利斯)
猴年生人 Monkey personality traits
The leading characteristic that best describes the Monkey personality is a spirit of innovation, best evoked in the West by Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci who was born in a Monkey year.
Extremely curious and thirsty for knowledge, Monkeys are never happier than when absorbing facts and information and, possessed of a near photographic memory, usually retain all that they have learned.
Bored with mundane, day-to-day details, they are love confronting a challenging problem that calls upon their considerable genius.
Julius Caesar(尤利乌斯•凯撒)
Daniel Craig(丹尼尔•克雷格)
Bette Davis(贝蒂·戴维斯)
Jake Gyllenhaal(杰克•吉伦哈尔)
Eleanor Roosevelt(埃利诺•罗斯福)
Will Smith(威尔•史密斯)
Elizabeth Taylor(伊丽莎白•泰勒)
Harry S. Truman(哈里•S•杜鲁门)
Leonardo da Vinci(列奥纳多•达芬奇)
鸡年生人 Rooster personality traits
Loyal and trustworthy, people born in the Year of the Rooster are sociable, very accomplished and usually very well-dressed.
Shrewd and daring, they are outspoken and even boastful by nature. Most annoyingly - Roosters always think they are right ... and very often they are!
Sharp and analytical, Roosters are generally deep thinkers and it is a rare occasion when something gets by them. They are courageous by nature and know how to get what they want.
Shy and conservative at heart, Roosters are can be overly concerned with their appearance and often buy the most stylish of clothes. They love to entertain, and a party hosted by them is almost sure to be the most memorable and extravagant of any.
Jessica Alba(杰西卡•阿尔芭)
Catherine the Great(凯瑟琳女皇)
Amelia Earhart(阿米莉亚•埃尔哈特)
Paris Hilton(帕丽斯•希尔顿),
Rudyard Kipling(鲁德亚德•吉卜林)
Britney Spears(布兰妮•斯皮尔斯)
Peter Ustinov(彼德•乌斯蒂诺夫)
狗年生人 Dog personality traits
Loyal, faithful, and true, people born in the Year of the Dog make the best of friends. As such, they often inspire confidence in others and are always willing to help those in need.
The Dog is not showy, and sometimes can be shy at social gatherings. Their role is more apt to be as good listeners, and they usually make good companions for the more demonstrative or gregarious personalities of the zodiac.
A born worrier, the Dog people can sometimes bark and bite at those around them, or become highly critical of others who do not share their same highly developed sense of honor and duty.
Mariah Carey(玛利亚•凯莉)
Winston Churchill(温斯顿•丘吉尔)
Bill Clinton(比尔•克林顿)
Benjamin Franklin(本杰明•富兰克林)
Jane Goodall(简•古道尔)
Herbert Hoover(赫伯特•胡佛)
猪年生人 Pig personality traits
Intellectually curious, honest and tolerant, those born in the Year of the Pig can be relied upon for their loyalty and often make true friends for life.
Like the knights of old, Pigs are often highly regarded for their chivalry and pureness of heart, and will often sacrifice their own well-being for the greater good.
The Pig can be very naive, however, and may easily fall victim to the unscrupulous who take advantage of their idealistic nature - as Pigs see everyone as loyal and caring as they are. Although forced to play the fool many times, they will just as likely hold fast to the notion that everyone is at heart decent and admirable.
Stubbornly optimistic, the Pig will not tolerate those with well-meaning advice on how to be a Pig, but since they dislike quarreling and discord their anger usually cools quickly.
Pig people love to read, are generally thirsty for knowledge, and not readily talkative, but if presented with an opportunity to discuss topics of interest with like-minded inpiduals Pigs may find themselves talking non-stop for hours!
Thomas Jefferson(托马斯·杰斐逊)
Ernest Hemingway(厄内斯特•海明威)
Alfred Hitchcock(艾尔弗雷德•希区柯克)
Mahalia Jackson(马哈丽亚•杰克逊)
David Letterman(大卫•莱特曼)
Arnold Schwarzenegger(阿诺•施瓦辛格)

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