

2023-05-24 10:47:21 全球排行榜123网 公司









“China developed faster than India”


China used more concrete in three years than the USA did in 100 years of the 20th century




Which means that there are so many buildings, roads, hospitals, toilets, homes, Schools, Recreation centers, i.e. You can’t have a civilization in a Desert,the whole Chinese Mainland is already an oasis of prosperity.


To have a civilization you need Infrastructure. The history of USA begins with revolutions - the rail road connecting the west to east - the inter state highways etc…


It is easier to show than to tell. Let me show you a few maps and try to figure out why China is developing faster than India.


Exhibit 1 - USA/美国


Exhibit 2 - CANADA/加拿大


Exhibit 3 – Europe/欧洲


Exhibit 4 – China/中国


Exhibit 5- India/印度


Do you see the yellow lines? The yellow lines are six lane express ways - Interstate high speed lines. Do you see how many highways exist in USA? USA is filled with yellow lines - These yellow lines are like high speed - 1GBPS optical fibers laid across the country i.e. I can take my huge truck full of cars from one corner of my country to the other without applying any brakes in full throttle and conduct my business.Generally speaking, the two major factors that have the greatest impact on the distribution of traffic lines are generally economy and population.




In Canada - Unfortunately only three cities are well connected with Highways - Toronto - Ottawa - Montreal - Qubec city and Nova Scotia - The rest of he nation is a barren waste land - Yes people live there but - they are virtually disconnected - unless they are willing to fly!


So is USA better than CANADA - Not Really - USA has a better climate than Canada - If Canada was not the SIBERIA of AMERICAS it would have been filled with mesh of express ways like USA.





The tale repeats - The most concentration of expressways is in a few countries




Netherlands - Belgium Germany -Denmark - France - Have this tightly knit spider web of express ways - Check them out


CHINA vs INDIA/中国vs印度

Now let us take a look at china - They laid so many roads that it is filled with express ways - six lane roads


Compare that with India


India has only two express ways - For a country of Billion People




(1) New Delhi - Agra - Lucknow - The Yamuna Express way - (Vishal Khanna - Thanks for the edit )-

(1) 新德里-阿格拉-勒克瑙-亚穆纳高速公路-(Vishal Khanna-感谢编辑提醒)

(2) Ahmedabad to Vadodara - Barely visible on this map

(2) 艾哈迈达巴德至瓦多达拉高速公路

PAKISTAN - It has one huge expressway connecting - Islamabad - Lahore - Peshawar - Thank to CHINA.


What is TRADE?


(1) MANUFACTURING AND SERVICES - Development Products (R&D) or People (training)

第一步: 制造和服务-开发产品(研发)或人员(培训);

(2) LOGISTICS - The movement of Goods or People

第二步: 物流-货物或人员的流动;

(3) SALES AND MARKETING - The art of Selling Goods or People


There are tons of other factors involved in trade and development - like Imports - Exports - Comparative Advantage - Exchange Rates - Fiscal Policy - Monetary Policy


Let us ignore all of them for a moment - Let us consider internal trade of various countries.


The hallmark of a developed country is the ease of trade - The ease of starting a business.


If I do not have a place to sit - i.e. to set up shop - Where would I start Manufacturing or Training People

In India - If I wish to set up a factory - I would not have any buildings - I would not find any free space - If I do find a free space - There would be tons of red tape before I can get approvals - If there is no infrastructure to begin with I would not be able to do anything.


I visit the local government school and I find that the roof leaks when it rains - does not have a fan in hot summer - is not connected by roads - the roads that are laid - were laid ten years ago and are now filled with pot holes. LOGISTICS i.e. the art of moving goods - there are no roads - There are no air ports - there are no shipping ports. SALES and MARKETING - selling Indian Goods - is pain not just in the head but all over!


You will understand this because - every Indian Good falls short in quality - according to international standards - most of the Indian goods are discarded i.e. thrown away because they don’t fit the requirements set by the buyer. Corruption is not a problem - it never was - Businessmen would earn more profits to pay for the corrupt - but the problem is that the corrupt money is not being used for infrastructure - China is as corrupt as India!


What is China Doing?


China has many structural advantages compared to India


The people of this country are mostly atheists and pragmatists. It is a secular country. The culture of this country is eclectic and allows all kinds of legal religions and cultural kaleidoscopes to exist. However, if a certain culture and religion run counter to the interests of the people and the development of the country, it will be opposed by the people and banned by law.


It is a very good thing - China had a clean slate - a fresh slate - a slate cleansed with blood of many people who died during the struggle. China has abandoned all superstitions and decadent old cultures and opened up a new path for its own development. India on the other hand lives in these superstitions -


China is a machine good at reverse learning, and they are good at making profits


If the business model is effective - they will learn - they will learn iPhone - not only mobile phones, but also the software store iStore - which is an incredible achievement - they will learn KFC - they will learn McDonald's, that is, there is a McDonald's chain store in China - but it is not owned by McDonald's. They have their own Facebook - they have their own Uber - they have their own twitter. They have also created many internationally leading enterprises, such as tiktok, which makes other companies try to copy China's achievements.


The entire chinese state understood - the necessity of development - and they are pushing for it at any cost. Most of the chinese cities are covered with smog - but chinese can’t afford to stop their development - They need to make goods - services and sell them to make profits - as long as they make profits they develop,make people's lives better.


The Chinese are done with roads within their country - They are now hell bend on REBUILDING THE SILK ROAD - CONNECTING TO EUROPE - which means direct trade with Europe - The richest parts of the world - Germany - UK - France - Spain - Greece - Russia - Belgium - Netherlands - Which will make china a lot lot richer - they will make tons and tons of money - which means more roads and more and more investments.


The Chinese are done with Rails - Now they are building railways in Africa - The chinese firms are now done with building railways in their own nation - They can only maintain the existing railways - there is no scope left for new ones. They built railways to the farthest reaches of China - They often crossed borders with their railways into India - Not at all funny. They are now making strategic development investments in many countries - Pakistan - African Nations - Bangladesh - Myanmmar - They are willing to throw trains at anyone who needs help and have something to offer to china in return - even debt!


The Chinese are done with PORTS - All these are ports developed by China


China's economic growth engine depends on exports to a large extent, and export trade is mainly done by ships, and a few are done by roads or railways. The globalization process is taking place in container terminals, ports and oceans. Unfortunately, most of India's ports are not suitable for docking international ships - funny but true - India has never tried to invest in building its ports into world-class ports, and the Chinese have large shipping ports not only at home but also internationally-


The Chinese are NOT Done with AIRPORTS YET - But they will be done with ports by 2020


The only comparable infrastructure of India with China is in terms of AIRPORTS - India can compete with China on air traffic.


But this too will pass - With China building hundreds of airports - by 2020 they will induct more than 100 new airports - to tackle the extreme congestion and delays in air port travel across the nation.






India pales in comparison to China in International Patents


NOTHING CAN BE DONE WITHOUT INVESTMENT IN INFRASTRUCTURE - i.e. utilization of WEALTH to create more WEALTH - which starts a virtuous cycle


It is equivalent to investing in education in the first 20 years of your life - China learned how to develop profit-making machines and invested in them in the 20 years from 1980 to 2000 - building cities, trailers, roads and railways, designing everything, vigorously building, selling and so on;


make - sell - repeat; after millions of these selling cycles to international customers - The Country is now reaping the fruits of its investments made decades ago and pursued relentlessly. In short, China is doing the right thing.




The biggest period of difference came between 1978 - 2000. Before that India and China went quite parallel. Even as late as 1991, India and China were equal in Per Capita incomes. After 2000, India's growth rate has come close to China's levels. It is the inbetween 25 years where China rocketed beyond the reach of India.




Population Dividend: China's population policy has created a period of fewer children, fewer elderly people and more workers. The working population has expanded rapidly, and they have obtained new job opportunities in infrastructure construction, which is an important factor in GDP growth. The demographic dividend is very rare. China cashed this check in the 1980s and 1990s. India is expected to reap this dividend in the 2020s.




Different concerns about human development: China has rapidly increased the literacy rate of its residents. By 1981, the literacy rate of Chinese women was twice that of Indian women. This gap continues to this day. This is a huge advantage for the industry accompanying the opening up. The same is true of other human development indicators (such as health), and Mao's performance is much better than that of India's leaders. Nehru is daydreaming on a global scale, and his priority should have been to abolish infrastructure like illteracy.


1. Look at how China's life expectancy caught up to Europe. India never had such jump. [Click to Zoom]




2. Very late opening up: India's PV Narasimha Rao came 13 years late and lost his mojo within 3 years of opening up the economy in 1991. Even today, Indian educated class has a tough time accepting the reality of Capitalism.

2.开放太晚:印度的PV Narasimha Rao迟到了13年,在1991年开放经济的3年内失去了他的魔力。即使在今天,印度受过教育的阶层也很难接受资本主义的现实。

3. Not enough emphasis on infrastructure: In 80s, 90s China had a rapid infrastructure push. Roads, railways and airports were built at a record pace. China's government structure allows for quick land acquisition. India's democratic structure and outdated land laws don't allows for rapid land acquisition.




