

2023-05-24 10:47:23 全球排行榜123网 公司









In fact, most mainland Chinese are very conservative and traditional. I know, for example, that most Chinese Americans grew up outside their home countries and have integrated into Western society and culture since childhood. Their social culture is free and even somewhat indulgent, but this has not changed the reality that, by contrast, under the influence of Chinese social culture and its related values, at least by the most modern Western standards, they are largely conservative.


Even Taiwan and Hong Kong may be more conservative than most Western societies. For example, even in the most developed society in Asia, although technically legal, their laws still require the consent of their spouses for abortion.


Therefore, this is not necessarily a difference in the political system itself - but because many national characteristics are deeply rooted in Chinese culture and society.


Family values, such as respect for parents and the elderly, obedience to and respect for national authority; Emphasize the importance of education; Internal and deep-rooted sense of personal professional ethics; Relatively traditional gender roles - they are both symbols of a very conservative society, rooted in Taoism and Confucianism, and these two ancient and rich traditions have influenced East Asian society for thousands of years.


They also teach children the importance of personal responsibility; Self-reliance and self-improvement; Humility, modesty and politeness; Since childhood, they have a sense of responsibility and "impulse control", usually doing housework for them every day, or teaching them to practice musical instruments, or taking additional lessons in regular courses outside of normal schools. Their basic view is that you must always rely on yourself, rather than relying on others. Only by working hard and studying hard can you go further in life.


China also has some strict requirements on the Internet and other public content, and strongly opposes the use of excessive violence and evil elements to maintain "public morality", believing that these elements will have a negative impact on the whole society, especially young people.


I think the social concept of China is different from that of the West in these aspects. Americans may be surprised by these ideas, but perhaps most Chinese think that American culture is too violent, and may point out that at least in China, there is no frequent violence among young people in their schools.


Although some western students full of liberalism may revel in the university, some even drop out of school after a year or two, indulge in entertainment materials, and drink heavily almost every night, most Chinese students hope to study hard to succeed. There is a clear priority for personal education before mass entertainment and hedonism self indulgence, for example, Carefully consider their life choices and the risks and benefits of each possible situation.


Although there are signs of gradual change, it is almost unimaginable even today to have a wide range of premarital or non-traditional relationships. Some families and even schools still use corporal punishment from childhood to teach the next generation to distinguish right from wrong, which may shock most American liberals. Because marriage is a commitment to the family, even divorce is taboo to a large extent, or at least far less common than Western countries, and less active than Western countries.


For example, in an online survey, 90% of Chinese netizens opposed premarital relationships.


They believe that China has always been the most powerful and successful civilization in human history. They are always proud to regard China as the longest and most complete world civilization in the past 5000 years, the only cradle of four civilizations, and are destined to regain its ancient glory in the future. They strongly oppose western foreign intervention, show some indifference to climate change and environmental radicalism, strongly support violence control, and overwhelmingly oppose illegal immigration and accepting refugees from war-torn countries:


For example, 97.4% of Chinese people oppose accepting refugees, which is a shock to most Western liberals.


In essence, most Chinese people are generally more modern, tolerant and free than the East Central and African people, and may be more like the West in their way of life.



中国网友Alex Zhang的回答

First of all, it is unreasonable to take the whole West as a unit. Most of the views of the United States and Europe are different, even though the attitudes towards many things within Europe are different.


Secondly, do you mean the concept that only exists in modern China??


I am relatively familiar with the United States. Let me compare China and the United States (the United States and modern China) with my personal observation.


First, the concept of marriage and family. Under the strict marriage related laws and the Puritan character, the requirements for marriage of Americans are actually very simple and conservative - loyalty, peaceful life, children, and common property. To use a more local description, it is the standard "wife and children can eat and drink without worrying" type. Of course, after the women's movement, women's role in the family is not a part-time blessing. Men also basically work, socialize a little, that is, consciously accompany their wives. Generally speaking, their family outlook and lifestyle are quite conservative. For the Chinese family view, this is basically only basic equipment, but not all.


Second, attitude towards religion. We all know the word WASP (American white Protestant), but the influence of religion is far beyond the WASP group. Basically, even if most people in the United States do not believe in religion, they can hardly shake off their sense of fear of God. From home, the proportion of atheism in our country is much higher.


Third, the issue of female "sexual harassment". In China, in the workplace, no matter chat or cooperation, as long as they meet the norms of politeness, there will be basically no major problems. However, in the United States, after the second feminist movement in the 1970s, "sexual harassment" has become a very sensitive issue up to now.


For example, I know a sister who sells in a medical enterprise in New York. She is pretty. Once, she went to work with a new look and professional suit. Under normal circumstances, in China, if the boss saw it, he said, XX is very beautiful today. We will think it is a matter without too big a problem. However, the American boss praised with an extremely knotty expression, "You look so good today." It will be regarded as flippant.


Fourth, race. The racial issue in the United States has always been sensitive, and there are many folk activists. However, in public, especially in the political arena, the racial issue should not be discussed "seriously" on the "public platform" (please note that it is only for discussion, for example, if you make a documentary film to record the music history of the black race, there will be many disputes in fact). Of course, it's OK for talk show to talk up. Now it's not so confined. This kind of thing basically doesn't exist in China.


Fifth, the sense of privacy in personal life. In China, when talking with good friends, especially when they know each other's relatives, they touch on some household chores and gossip at home, which can be shared.. However, the American chat is very general, and it is rarely possible to touch this area. Although it is not a deliberate precaution, it is not always very willing to talk about some family matters, nor is it particularly willing for others to have some suggestions for their families.


Seventh, diet. Although the United States has the world's best cooking ethnic groups, Chinese, French, Japanese, Italians brought food, so that restaurants in major American cities have a good reputation in fact.. However, the local WASP in the United States is relatively conservative about food (of course, I personally understand that it is completely without food IQ). For example, chicken mainly eats chicken breast, and can't stand viscera, etc.



海外网友Eli Chang的回答

It is basically a society based on Confucian values, which attach importance to status, rank and relationship, and the team is more valuable than the individual. Some common views in China:


Premarital sex has not been widely accepted;


Everyone should have their own children;


Family values (respect for the elderly, etc.);


Gender equality in the workplace and in schools;


Dress modestly (such as not deliberately exposing sensitive parts);


Save money/be frugal in case of emergency;


The academic achievements rank first, and entertainment is always the last;


Patriotism is very important.


This is just the tip of the iceberg, but if you compare China and the United States in social and cultural terms, you should remember that China will not be completely more conservative or more liberal, and it advocates the doctrine of the mean. To expand:


Chinese people tend to be more conservative than Americans in complying with family obligations, working hard and maintaining social harmony and other social norms.


On the material/economic level, the Chinese are more progressive than most Americans. They are eager to introduce new systems and adopt traditional methods. People are excited about the latest technology and catching up with the flu.


China is progressive in some respects and conservative in others. China's education system is very conservative, providing rote learning and test driven goals, while the West advocates happy education.


On the other hand, China's progress in national infrastructure and urban planning is like the comparison between Jaguar and Tortoise.


On the whole, China has made more progress in social policies than the United States. Its goal is to directly lift people out of poverty. To this end, China has achieved amazing changes. In other words, the low level of government services and pensions is more in line with the views of American conservatives.


The Chinese will explain that this is because China is still a third world country and cannot economically provide social services at the level of Western Europe. Although taking care of the elderly or the disabled has received support, under pressure, the Chinese do feel that those who cannot support themselves are not worth the benefits, just like the United States.


To sum up, given the generality of the above, it is difficult to answer which country is more conservative.




