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Gaza is worse than a graveyard for children, UNICEF spokesperson says

From CNN’s Kareem El Damanhoury

Published December 10, 2023

外刊阅读:Gaza is worse than a graveyard for children外刊阅读:Gaza is worse than a graveyard for children

A mother hugs her 1-year-old son who was killed during Israeli air strikes in Khan Younis, Gaza, on Friday

Children in Gaza have been suffering from hellish conditions, UNICEF spokesperson James Elder said in a statement on Friday, warning that the situation could get worse.

“At the start of this war, UNICEF said Gaza was a ‘graveyard for children and a living hell for everyone else.’ It has only gotten worse as the bombing and fighting have continued,” the statement read.

Elder, who just returned from a weeks-long mission in Gaza, warned of the severe repercussions of food, water and medicine shortages on children.

“[C]hildren in Gaza are now in danger from the sky, disease on the ground, and death from hunger and thirst,” Elder said, adding that had never seen that level of devastation and despair anywhere else.

Elder told CNN’s Isa Soares Thursday that parents he’s been talking to in Gaza have realized hospitals are no longer an option for their children due to the continuous attacks that have made hospitals harder to reach.

“Most crises they impact children terribly because children are the most vulnerable, but most have about a casualty rate of children around 20%, this [Gaza conflict] is 40 [%],” he said. “This is twice as lethal to children as many conflicts we’ve seen in the last 15 or 20 years.”

CNN cannot independently verify these numbers.

Context: According to the latest statement on Friday by the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah, which draws its numbers from sources in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, Israeli attacks have killed at least 18,700 Palestinians in Gaza since October 7, 70% of whom were children and women.

Gaza is worse than a graveyard for children, UNICEF spokesperson says


Children in Gaza have been suffering from hellish conditions, UNICEF spokesperson James Elder said in a statement on Friday, warning that the situation could get worse.

加沙的儿童正遭受地狱一般的痛苦,联合国儿童基金会发言人James Elder在星期五的一次报告中表示,并警告称,这种情况还会变得更加糟糕。

“At the start of this war, UNICEF said Gaza was a ‘graveyard for children and a living hell for everyone else.’ It has only gotten worse as the bombing and fighting have continued,” the statement read.


Elder, who just returned from a weeks-long mission in Gaza, warned of the severe repercussions of food, water and medicine shortages on children.


“[C]hildren in Gaza are now in danger from the sky, disease on the ground, and death from hunger and thirst,” Elder said, adding that had never seen that level of devastation and despair anywhere else.


Elder told CNN’s Isa Soares Thursday that parents he’s been talking to in Gaza have realized hospitals are no longer an option for their children due to the continuous attacks that have made hospitals harder to reach.

Elder星期四告诉CNN的Isa Soares,加沙那些和他说话的父母意识到现在将孩子送到医院已经不可取,因为连续的袭击让如何到达医院变得越来越困难。

“Most crises they impact children terribly because children are the most vulnerable, but most have about a casualty rate of children around 20%, this [Gaza conflict] is 40 [%],” he said. “This is twice as lethal to children as many conflicts we’ve seen in the last 15 or 20 years.”


CNN cannot independently verify these numbers.


Context: According to the latest statement on Friday by the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah, which draws its numbers from sources in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, Israeli attacks have killed at least 18,700 Palestinians in Gaza since October 7, 70% of whom were children and women.




