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外刊:,What,sea,level,rise,will,look,like,in,climate,summits,host,cities(附2024年最新排行榜前十排名名单):What sea level rise will look like in cities that have hosted climate summits(原文后附双语)By Ra……全球排行榜123网www.vai8.com)小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解对你有所帮助!


What sea level rise will look like in cities that have hosted climate summits(原文后附双语)

By Rachel Ramirez, CNN

Updated 10:44 PM EST, Sun December 3, 2023

As global leaders and delegates gather in Dubai for the annual UN climate summit, a new analysis shows how the host cities of previous summits could be inundated — if not entirely submerged — by rising ocean waters.

The relentless rise of planet-warming pollution has already resulted in severe droughts, deadly floods and rapid melting of glaciers and ice around the world. And scientists say the steady climb of global sea level will continue for many decades as temperatures crank higher.

The analysis from Climate Central, a nonprofit climate research group, illustrates the risk if countries fail to halt the planet’s precipitous warming trend. A recent UN report showed the world is currently on track to warm up to 2.9 degrees.

Using peer-reviewed sea level rise projections and local elevation from Climate Central’s models, the findings show compelling visuals that paint a stark contrast between the world as we know it and our high-tide future, if the planet warms to 3 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

外刊: What sea level rise will look like in climate summits host cities外刊: What sea level rise will look like in climate summits host cities

What sea-level rise could look like at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

外刊: What sea level rise will look like in climate summits host cities外刊: What sea level rise will look like in climate summits host cities

What sea-level rise could look like at the Fortaleza del Real Felipe in Lima, Peru.

“Decisions made at COP28 will shape the long-term future of Earth’s coast cities, including Dubai,” said Benjamin Strauss, chief scientist and CEO of Climate Central.

Climate scientists have reported the world is around 1.2 degrees Celsius warmer than pre-industrial levels, and it’s on track to breach 1.5 degrees of warming in the coming years — a critical threshold beyond which scientists say humans and ecosystems will struggle to adapt.

In 2015, at COP21 in Paris, more than 190 countries approved the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, but preferably to 1.5 degrees.

外刊: What sea level rise will look like in climate summits host cities外刊: What sea level rise will look like in climate summits host cities

What sea-level rise could look like at the Durban City Hall in Durban, South Africa.

The world’s current trajectory of up to 2.9 degrees could be unlivable for coastal communities, low-lying countries and small island states around the world.

“The survival of these places and their heritage will depend on whether the government and industry leaders can agree to cut carbon pollution sharply enough and fast enough to limit global warming to 1.5 Celsius degrees,” Strauss said.

2023 is already set to be the hottest year on record, according to a report released Thursday by the World Meteorological Organization. Each month from June through October set new global monthly temperatures records by wide margins, while ocean temperatures also hit record highs.

外刊: What sea level rise will look like in climate summits host cities外刊: What sea level rise will look like in climate summits host cities

What sea-level rise could look like at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya in Mumbai, India.

These blistering global temperatures are causing glaciers and ice sheets to melt at alarming rates, which adds a significant amount of water to Earth’s oceans. Even Antarctica, the most isolated continent on the planet, is seeing unprecedented melting events. The melting of some large glaciers is now potentially unavoidable and could pose devastating implications for sea level rise globally.

Roughly 385 million people currently live in areas that will be eventually inundated by ocean water at high tide, even if planet-warming pollution is drastically reduced, according to Climate Central.

If we limit warming to 1.5 degrees, sea level rise would still affect land inhabited by 510 million people today. But if the planet breaches 3 degrees, the high-tide line could encroach above land where more than 800 million people live, a recent study found.

外刊: What sea level rise will look like in climate summits host cities外刊: What sea level rise will look like in climate summits host cities

What sea-level rise could look like at the Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen, Denmark.

But while these scenarios could be centuries away, scientists say with every fraction of a degree of warming, the consequences of climate change worsen.

At COP28, global leaders will discuss how to ramp down planet-warming fossil fuels to prevent the increasing likelihood of an underwater future. This year’s climate talks will also be the first time countries will be negotiating with a new scorecard showing how seriously off-track they are on their climate targets — and how the window to slash climate pollution is “rapidly narrowing.”

What sea level rise will look like in cities that have hosted climate summits

如果海平面上升,这些举办过气候峰会的城市会变成什么样As global leaders and delegates gather in Dubai for the annual UN climate summit, a new analysis shows how the host cities of previous summits could be inundated — if not entirely submerged — by rising ocean waters.


The relentless rise of planet-warming pollution has already resulted in severe droughts, deadly floods and rapid melting of glaciers and ice around the world. And scientists say the steady climb of global sea level will continue for many decades as temperatures crank higher.


The analysis from Climate Central, a nonprofit climate research group, illustrates the risk if countries fail to halt the planet’s precipitous warming trend. A recent UN report showed the world is currently on track to warm up to 2.9 degrees.


Using peer-reviewed sea level rise projections and local elevation from Climate Central’s models, the findings show compelling visuals that paint a stark contrast between the world as we know it and our high-tide future, if the planet warms to 3 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.


“Decisions made at COP28 will shape the long-term future of Earth’s coast cities, including Dubai,” said Benjamin Strauss, chief scientist and CEO of Climate Central.

“COP28上做出的决定将决定包括迪拜在内的地球沿海城市的长期未来”,《气候中心》首席科学家兼首席执行官Benjamin Strauss表示。

Climate scientists have reported the world is around 1.2 degrees Celsius warmer than pre-industrial levels, and it’s on track to breach 1.5 degrees of warming in the coming years — a critical threshold beyond which scientists say humans and ecosystems will struggle to adapt.


In 2015, at COP21 in Paris, more than 190 countries approved the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, but preferably to 1.5 degrees.


The world’s current trajectory of up to 2.9 degrees could be unlivable for coastal communities, low-lying countries and small island states around the world.


“The survival of these places and their heritage will depend on whether the government and industry leaders can agree to cut carbon pollution sharply enough and fast enough to limit global warming to 1.5 Celsius degrees,” Strauss said.


2023 is already set to be the hottest year on record, according to a report released Thursday by the World Meteorological Organization. Each month from June through October set new global monthly temperatures records by wide margins, while ocean temperatures also hit record highs.


These blistering global temperatures are causing glaciers and ice sheets to melt at alarming rates, which adds a significant amount of water to Earth’s oceans. Even Antarctica, the most isolated continent on the planet, is seeing unprecedented melting events. The melting of some large glaciers is now potentially unavoidable and could pose devastating implications for sea level rise globally.


Roughly 385 million people currently live in areas that will be eventually inundated by ocean water at high tide, even if planet-warming pollution is drastically reduced, according to Climate Central.


If we limit warming to 1.5 degrees, sea level rise would still affect land inhabited by 510 million people today. But if the planet breaches 3 degrees, the high-tide line could encroach above land where more than 800 million people live, a recent study found.


But while these scenarios could be centuries away, scientists say with every fraction of a degree of warming, the consequences of climate change worsen.


At COP28, global leaders will discuss how to ramp down planet-warming fossil fuels to prevent the increasing likelihood of an underwater future. This year’s climate talks will also be the first time countries will be negotiating with a new scorecard showing how seriously off-track they are on their climate targets — and how the window to slash climate pollution is “rapidly narrowing.”




  • "Inundated" 和 "submerged" 都表示一个物体或区域被水淹没。然而,"inundated" 强调的是局部地区被大量水流包围或淹没,通常涉及突然且大规模的水灾。例如,一个地区可能因为洪水而被淹没或被水覆盖。
  • "Submerged" 则表示整个物体完全被水覆盖或沉浸其中。它强调的是物体完全被水所包围或沉没在水中,不留任何部分露出水面。


换句话说,"inundated" 表示被部分淹没或被包围,而 "submerged" 表示被完全淹没或被完全覆盖。



