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乌克兰沦为弃子?美主流媒体头版头条唱衰乌克兰.victory,hope,fade(附2024年最新排行榜前十排名名单):Ukraine’s hopes for victory fade in the face of waning Western support and Putin’s relentl……全球排行榜123网www.vai8.com)小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解对你有所帮助!


Ukraine’s hopes for victory fade in the face of waning Western support and Putin’s relentless war machine   面对西方支持的减弱和普京的战争机器,乌克兰胜利的希望逐渐破灭

乌克兰沦为弃子?美主流媒体头版头条唱衰乌克兰.victory hope fade乌克兰沦为弃子?美主流媒体头版头条唱衰乌克兰.victory hope fade

Ukrainian servicemen near the front line town of Marinka, in the Donetsk region.


A year ago, a resolute President Volodymyr Zelensky traveled direct from the battlefield of Bakhmut to address the US Congress and meet with President Joe Biden. He was feted as a hero; Ukraine’s determination to resist Russian aggression met with strong bipartisan backing in Washington.

One year on, the outlook looks much grimmer. A long-anticipated Ukrainian offensive in the south has made scant progress. Russia appears to have weathered international sanctions, for now, and has converted its economy into a war machine.

The Russian way of war, absorbing hideous losses of men and materiel but throwing yet more into the fight, has blunted the Ukrainian military’s tactical and technological edge, as its top general admitted in a candid essay last month.


一年过去了,前景看起来更加黯淡。期待已久的乌克兰南部攻势却进展甚微。目前, 俄罗斯似乎已经经受住了国际制裁,并将其经济转变为战争机器。

正如乌克兰最高将领上个月在一篇坦率的文章中承认的那样 ,俄罗斯的战争方式吸收了人员和物资的惨重损失,但又将更多的人员和物资投入战斗,削弱了乌克兰军队的战术和技术优势。

The mood in Moscow seems grimly determined: the goals of the “special military operation” will be achieved, and the fighting will continue until they are.

Biden to sign new executive order to ‘strengthen’ sanctions against Russia

As the long frontline becomes ever more calcified, the Kremlin senses greater skepticism among Kyiv’s Western backers that Ukraine can recover the 17% of its territory still occupied by Russian forces.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is relishing the much more partisan atmosphere in Washington, where many in the Republican Party are questioning the purpose of sending Ukraine another $61 billion worth of aid as requested by the Biden administration, assessing that it will achieve little on the battlefield.


随着漫长的前线变得更加僵化,克里姆林宫感觉到基辅的西方支持者更加怀疑乌克兰能否收复 仍被俄罗斯军队占领的17%的领土。

俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京 (Vladimir Putin) 很享受华盛顿的党派氛围,许多共和党人质疑应拜登政府的要求向乌克兰再提供价值 610 亿美元的援助的目的,认为这不会在战场上取得什么成果。

At his first year-end news conference since the conflict began, Putin scoffed: “Ukraine produces almost nothing today, everything is coming from the West, but the free stuff is going to run out some day, and it seems it already is.”


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Russia's President Vladimir Putin is relishing the more partisan attitude in Washington.

俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)对华盛顿更具党派倾向的态度感到满意。

At the same time, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban blocked a $55 billion EU package of financial aid for Ukraine, prompting one German politician to say that it was like having Putin himself sitting at the table.

That jeopardizes government spending on everything from salaries to hospitals.

Zelensky, who by his own recent admission is tired, has an ever-harder job as Ukraine’s chief salesman, with events in the Middle East diverting attention from Ukraine as the number-one international crisis.

On the first anniversary of the invasion, he predicted that “2023 will be the year of our victory!” He’s unlikely to make the same optimistic forecast for the coming year.

与此同时,匈牙利总理维克托·欧尔班 (Viktor Orban) 阻止了欧盟向乌克兰提供的 550 亿美元一揽子经济援助,促使一位德国政界人士表示,这就像普京本人坐在桌旁一样。



在入侵一周年之际,他预言“2023年将是我们胜利的一年!” 他不太可能对来年做出同样乐观的预测。

Russia is not without its own vulnerabilities, but they are more long-term. The conflict has exacerbated its demographic crisis through emigration and battlefield losses. Nearly 750,000 people left Russia in 2022; analysts expect an even higher number will have voted with their feet this year.

Labor shortages are stoking rising wages and therefore inflation. Evading sanctions and maintaining industrial production comes at a price, with much of that production now devoted to replacing the stunning battlefield losses and the budget deficit exploding accordingly.

The long-term prognosis for the Russian economy is grim – and that may be Putin’s most fundamental legacy.



俄罗斯经济的长期前景严峻 — — 这可能是普京最根本的遗产。

But as the economist John Maynard Keynes once said, “In the long run we are all dead.” In the short-term Putin appears unassailable. Reelection in March is a formality (the Kremlin has already acknowledged as much.) Contrast that with the US, where a febrile year of campaigning might end with Donald Trump preparing for his second term. That is Kyiv’s nightmare and Moscow’s dream.

The deeply partisan mood in Congress has scuppered the Biden’s administration’s request for further aid for Kyiv. Currently allocated funds for military equipment are nearly drained. One Democratic Senator, Chris Murphy, said starkly: “We are about to abandon Ukraine.”

The mantra in Western capitals on supporting Ukraine has been “as long as it takes.” But standing next to Zelensky this month, President Biden said the US would support Ukraine “as long as we can.”

但正如经济学家约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯曾经说过的那样:“从长远来看,我们都死了。” 短期来看,普京似乎是无懈可击的。3月份的连任只是一种形式(克里姆林宫已经承认了这一点)。与美国形成鲜明对比的是,在美国,狂热的竞选活动可能会随着唐纳德·特朗普为他的第二个任期做准备而结束。这是基辅的噩梦,也是莫斯科的梦想。



Battlefield slog


While the global metrics for Ukraine deteriorate, so the frontlines offer little cheer.

The much-anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive launched in June was meant to display the superiority of NATO’s strategy of combined arms warfare, drilled into newly-minted Ukrainian brigades who were trained in muddy fields in Germany. But it was alien to Ukrainian military culture and was not matched by superiority in the skies.

What should have been a dash south to the Black Sea became a quagmire in dense minefields, with Western armor picked off from the air by Russian drones and aviation.

Ukrainian units took at most 200 square kilometers of territory over six months. The goals of reaching the coastline, Crimea and splitting Russian forces in the south remained a distant dream.




乌克兰部队在六个月内占领了最多 200 平方公里的领土。到达海岸线、克里米亚并在南部分裂俄罗斯军队的目标仍然是一个遥远的梦想。

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy is by his own admission tired.


With the frontlines frozen, Kyiv’s intelligence agencies have turned to more spectacular attacks: sinking a Russian landing ship in Crimea this week and even sabotaging railway lines as far as the Russian Far East. Success in the Black Sea has allowed for relatively safe passage for merchant ships, despite Moscow abandoning a UN-brokered deal last summer.

However, despite their audacity, such operations won’t alter the fundamental balance of the conflict.

Zaluzhnyi put it bluntly: “The level of our technological development today has put both us and our enemies in a stupor.” The use of surveillance and strike drones deprives both sides of the element of surprise within the confines of the battlefield.

“The simple fact is that we see everything the enemy is doing, and they see everything we are doing.”



扎卢日尼直言不讳地说:“我们今天的技术发展水平已经让我们和我们的敌人都陷入了昏迷。” 监视和攻击无人机的使用剥夺了双方在战场范围内的突然性。


But the Russians’ vast reserves of manpower and hardware (Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu boasted that he could raise 25 million men if necessary) mean they can continue bludgeoning the smaller Ukrainian military, making incremental gains at enormous cost.

So it was around Bakhmut last winter; perhaps the same will apply to the ruined Donetsk town of Avdiivka in the next few weeks.

但俄罗斯拥有大量的人力和硬件储备(国防部长谢尔盖·绍伊古吹嘘说,如果有必要,他可以招募 2500 万人),这意味着他们可以继续打击规模较小的乌克兰军队,以巨大的代价取得渐进的成果。


The pool of military recruits in Ukraine has substantially shrunk; battlefield losses have deprived the military of tens of thousands of experienced soldiers and mid-rank officers. “Sooner or later we are going to find that we simply don’t have enough people to fight,” Zaluzhnyi told the Economist in November.

The arrival of F-16s fighter jets in the spring will undoubtedly help the Ukrainian air force challenge Russian combat planes and support their own ground forces, but they will be no silver bullet. Basic training is one thing; flying into the teeth of Russian air defenses another.

The same would apply even if the US agreed to supply longer-range Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) to Ukraine. (UK-supplied Storm Shadow missiles have helped target the Russian rear.)

乌克兰的新兵人数大幅减少;战场上的损失使军队失去了数万名经验丰富的士兵和中级军官。“我们迟早会发现我们根本没有足够的人来战斗,”扎卢日尼在 11 月份告诉《经济学人》。



In any event, the paralysis over funding has blocked the pipeline of US weaponry and Europe does not have the capacity to fill the gap.

Some leading analysts conclude it’s time for a clear-eyed reassessment.

“Ukraine and the West are on an unsustainable trajectory, one characterized by a glaring mismatch between ends and the available means,” write Richard Haass and Charles Kupchan in Foreign Affairs.




Ukraine’s goal of recovering all its territory is “out of reach,” they say bluntly. “Where we are looks at best like a costly deadlock.”

They recommend that Ukraine shifts to a defensive posture in 2024 to stem losses, which would “shore up Western support by demonstrating that Kyiv has a workable strategy aimed at attainable goals.”

The Russian military, which has by and large proved inept in offensive operations, would thereby find it even more difficult to take ground.

To others, such a shift would essentially reward aggression, enabling Russia to pause and regroup, with potentially dangerous consequences for others in Russia’s near-abroad. It would also send the wrong message about US commitment to other allies, such as Taiwan. And it’s a non-starter, politically, in Kyiv.

他们直言不讳地说,乌克兰收复全部领土的目标“遥不可及” 。 “我们现在的处境充其量只是一个代价高昂的僵局。”

他们建议乌克兰在 2024 年转向防御姿态以阻止损失,这将“通过证明基辅拥有旨在实现目标的可行战略来支撑西方的支持”。



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Ukrainian soldiers fire artillery towards Russian positions to support frontline troops in the direction of Avdiivka, Donetsk Oblast.


President Biden said during Zelensky’s visit that “Putin is banking on the United States failing to deliver for Ukraine. We must, we must, we must prove him wrong.”

It smacked of desperation. Haass and Kupchan say “Ukraine would be wise to devote incoming resources to its long-term security and prosperity instead of expending it on the battlefield for little gain.”

There are certainly signs of tensions within Ukrainian society as the conflict nears its second anniversary and the economy struggles to start growing again, after shrinking by one-third. The longer several million Ukrainians live elsewhere in Europe, the less likely they are to come back.




For now Zelensky and his inner circle show no sign of compromise. Zelensky won’t countenance a truce or negotiations. “For us it would mean leaving this wound open for future generations,” he told TIME in November.

Instead, barring some unlikely collapse in morale on either side, the same towns and villages destroyed over the last two years will still be fought over in the next. Ukraine will have the means to survive, but not to win.

目前泽伦斯基和他的核心圈子没有表现出妥协的迹象。泽伦斯基不会支持休战或谈判。“对我们来说,这意味着让子孙后代留下这个伤口,”他在 11 月告诉《时代》杂志。




