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继续支持【朱令】:95年贝志诚首封互联网求救邮件英文原文及译文(附2024年最新排行榜前十排名名单):95年在没有任何电子翻译工具,没有搜索引擎的情况下,就能写出如此标准的英文邮件还涉及到医学术语,笔者万分钦佩。以下是笔者整理翻译后的邮件原文与译文:Urgent!!! Need d……全球排行榜123网www.vai8.com)小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解对你有所帮助!




Urgent!!! Need diagnostic advice for sick friend(紧迫的!!!需要为生病的朋友提供诊断建议)


I hope everyone who can help us will sendmail to us.



This is Peking University in China, a place those dreams of freedom and democracy. However, a young, 21-year old student has become very sick and is dying. The illness is very rare. Though they have tried, doctors at the best hospitals in Beijing cannot cure her; may do not even know what illness it is. So now we are asking the world, can somebody help us?

这就是中国的北京大学,一个自由民主梦想的地方。 然而,一名 21 岁的年轻学生病得很重,生命垂危。 这种病非常罕见。 尽管他们尝试过,但北京最好的医院的医生都无法治愈她。 可能连这是什么病都不知道。 所以现在我们问世界,有人可以帮助我们吗?

Here is a description of the illness:


The young woman her name is Zhu Ling is a student in the chemistry department. On DEC. 5, 1994, Zhu Ling felt sick to her stomach. Three days later, her hair began to fall out and within two days she was completely bald. She entered the hospital, but doctors could not discover the season for her illness. However, after she was in the hospital for a month, she began to fell better and her hair grew back.

这位年轻女子名叫朱令,是化学系的一名学生。 十二月。 1994年12月5日,朱令感到胃部不适。 三天后,她的头发开始脱落,两天之内,她就完全秃顶了。 她进了医院,但医生无法确定她发病的季节。 然而,住院一个月后,她的病情开始好转,头发也长回来了。

Zhu Ling went back to school in February, but in March her legs began to ache severely, and she felt dizzy. She entered XieHe Hospital - Chinese most famous hospital. In early March and on March 15, her symptoms worsened. She Began to facial paralysis, central muscle of eye's paralysis, self-controlled respiration disappeared. So she was put on a respirator.

朱令二月份回到学校,但到了三月份,她的双腿开始严重疼痛,并感到头晕。 她进入了中国最著名的医院——协和医院。 3月初和3月15日,她的症状加重。 她开始面瘫,眼中枢肌麻痹,自控呼吸消失。 于是她就被戴上了呼吸器。

The doctors did many tests for many diseases(include anti-H2V, spinal cord puncture, NMR, immune system, chemical drug intoxication ANA,ENA,DSONA,ZG and Lyme), but all were negative, except for Lyme disease(ZGM(+)). The doctors now think that it might be acute disseminated encephalomyelitis(ADEM) or lupus erythematosus(LE), but the data from the tests do not support this conclusion.

医生对多种疾病做了很多检查(包括抗H2V、脊髓穿刺、NMR、免疫系统、化学药物中毒ANA、ENA、DSONA、ZG和莱姆病),但除了莱姆病(ZGM(+ ))。目前医生认为可能是急性播散性脑脊髓炎(ADEM)或红斑狼疮(LE),但检测数据并不支持这一结论。

The doctors are now treating Zhu Ling with broad-spectrum antibiotic of cephalosporin, anti-virus drug, hormone, immun-oadjuvent, gamma globulin intravenous injection and have given her plasma exchange(PE) of 10,000 CCs. But Zhu Ling has not responded, she reamers in a vegetative state, sustained by life support.

目前,医生对朱令进行了头孢广谱抗生素、抗病毒药物、激素、免疫佐剂、丙种球蛋白静脉注射等治疗,并进行了10000CC的血浆置换(PE)。 但朱令还没有反应过来,她已经处于植物人状态,靠生命维持系统维持着。

If anyone has heard of patients with similar symptoms or have any ideas as to what this illness could be, please contact us. We are Zhu Ling's friends and we are disparate to help her. This is the first time that Chinese try to find help from Internet, please send back E-mail to us. We will send more crystal description of her illness to you.

如果有人听说过有类似症状的患者或对这种疾病有任何想法,请联系我们。 我们是朱令的朋友,我们是不同的人来帮助她。 这是中国人第一次尝试从互联网上寻求帮助,请给我们发回电子邮件。 我们会将有关她病情的更多详细描述发送给您。

Thank you very much

Peking University

April 10th, 1995



1995 年 4 月 10 日


Please foreword this message to your freinds if you think they can help us ,Thanks advanced!


Abstract of Case History(Medical Record)


Patient Zhu Ling is female, 21 years old. She was born in Beijing. In March 15th 1995, she hospitalized as she had trichomadesis,and felt abdominal pain, joints and muscles aching pain for more than three months; pain in digital portion of both lower limbs for seven days and dizzy for three days. Since Dec. 8th. 1994(more than 3 months before this hospitalization)she felt abdominal pain that was sustained and light with episodic griping pain and without any inducing cause.

患者朱玲,女,21岁。 她出生在北京。 1995年3月15日,因脱发入院,腹痛、关节、肌肉酸痛三个多月; 双下肢指部疼痛七日,头晕三天。 自12月8日起。 1994年(入院前3个多月),无任何诱发原因,感到腹部持续轻微疼痛,阵发性绞痛。

In Dec. 23rd 1994 she hospitalized another hospital to be accepted series of examinations and treatments. All results of ANA, ENA, dsDNA, Ig, protein electrophoresis, T3, T4, TSH were normal. The radiogram of spenoid saddle, CT of adrenal glands, B-Ultrasonic examination of abdomen and pelvix, and radiogram of bone marrow were normal. There was no abnormal result in routine chemical tests. There were severe abnormal signs in microcirculation of nail folds.

1994年12月23日,她住进另一家医院接受一系列检查和治疗。 ANA、ENA、dsDNA、Ig、蛋白电泳、T3、T4、TSH均正常。 蝶鞍X线片、肾上腺CT、腹部及骨盆B超检查、骨髓X线片均正常。 常规化学检查未见异常结果。 甲襞微循环出现严重异常体征。

About one month later, trichomadesis was appeared to the highest degree most obviously. She had been accepted ourished and Chinese traditional treatments to make her symptoms, entioned above, were gradually alleviated. She was discharged from that hospital without any determined diagnosis.

大约一个月后,脱发出现程度最明显。 经接受丰富的中医传统治疗,上述症状逐渐缓解。 她在没有任何明确诊断的情况下从该医院出院。

In Mar. 7th she went to a doctor in our hospital, as she had felt pain in digital portion of both limbs. It was showed that she had a peripheral nerve painoe by the physical examination. Three days later she felt dizzy, objects rotation oculrogyric crisis, fidgety and consciousness indistincted. Then she hospitalized our hospital in Mar 15th 1995.

3月7日,因感觉双肢指端疼痛,到我院就诊。 体检显示她患有周围神经痛。 三天后,她感到头晕、物体旋转、眼动危象、烦躁、意识模糊。 随后于1995年3月15日住进我院。

Her blood pressure was 140/110 mm Hg. Both eyes showed episodic turning upward, horizontal and vertical nystagmus and abduction incompleted. Bilateral facial paralysis, hypersensitive pain in digital portions of four limbs, hypo tendon reflexes of both lower limbs were found. Muscular force was IV degree. Hyper sensitive skin trace response was showed.

她的血压为140/110毫米汞柱。 双眼呈现间歇性上翻、水平和垂直眼球震颤以及外展不完全。 双侧面瘫,四肢指部过敏性疼痛,双下肢腱反射减弱。 肌力为IV级。 表现出超敏感的皮肤痕迹反应。

After hospitalization CFS showed normal in Mar 15th 1995, by lumbar puncture examination Routine biochemical tests were normal. Any abnormal phenomenon was not found with MRI of skull in Mar. 16th. EEG showed light abnormal. Any obvious abnormal result was not found in EMG. The disease progressed very rapidly. Spasms colonicus of both upper limbs, consciousness transferred from fidgety to drowsy, tonic episodes of both upper limbs and oculogyric crisis were appeared.

住院后1995年3月15日CFS显示正常。经腰穿检查常规生化检查均正常。 3月16日头颅MRI检查未发现异常现象。 脑电图显示光异常。 肌电图未发现明显异常结果。 病情进展非常迅速。 双上肢结肠痉挛,意识由烦躁转为昏昏欲睡,双上肢强直发作,出现眼危象。

Since 5 days after hospitalization she has been in coma with bulbar paralysis and central respiratory failure.Tracheolaryngotomy was operated to help her respiratory action by respirator. Blood examination showed anti-HIV(-), Lyme antibody IgG(-),IgM(+).Urine as was normal by quantitative analysis.

住院5天以来,她一直处于昏迷状态,伴有延髓麻痹和中枢性呼吸衰竭。进行了气管喉切开术,通过呼吸机帮助她恢复呼吸。 血液检查显示抗HIV(-)、莱姆抗体IgG(-)、IgM(+)。尿液定量分析正常。

CFS pressure was normal in Mar. 22, 1995. EEG was severe abnormal. ANA, ENA,dsDNA, urine hepato-bilinogen(-). Since hospitalization treatments(hydrocortisone IV, plasma replacement, anti infectious and anti viral treatments)were given. Now, she is still in come with both eyes floating. and hypo tendon reflex as of four limbs. No pathological sign was induced.

1995年3月22日CFS压力正常。脑电图严重异常。 ANA、ENA、dsDNA、尿肝胆原(-)。 自住院以来给予治疗(氢化可的松IV、血浆替代、抗感染和抗病毒治疗)。 现在,她依然双眼飘浮地进来。 四肢腱反射减弱。 未诱发任何病理体征。

Thanks for all yours help!




