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美媒CNN:俄罗斯本土遭火箭弹袭击21人死亡shelling,kill,21,Russian(附2024年最新排行榜前十排名名单):Ukrainian shelling kills 21 Russian civilians, Russia says, a day after Moscow launched ma……全球排行榜123网www.vai8.com)小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解对你有所帮助!


Ukrainian shelling kills 21 Russian civilians, Russia says, a day after Moscow launched major aerial assault

俄罗斯称,在莫斯科发动大规模空袭的第二天,乌克兰炮击造成 21 名俄罗斯平民死亡

美媒CNN:俄罗斯本土遭火箭弹袭击21人死亡shelling kill 21 Russian美媒CNN:俄罗斯本土遭火箭弹袭击21人死亡shelling kill 21 Russian

Firefighters extinguish burning cars after shelling in Belgorod on Saturday.


At least 21 people, including three children, were killed and 110 others wounded in a Ukrainian attack on the Russian city of Belgorod on Saturday, Russian authorities said, a day after Moscow launched a huge and deadly aerial assault of its own against its neighbor.

The deaths were the result of a “massive” attack on downtown Belgorod, according to Russian state news agency TASS, quoting the emergencies ministry.

“This crime will not go unpunished,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

“The Kiev regime … is trying to divert attention from the defeats on the front lines and to provoke us into taking similar actions.”

俄罗斯当局表示,乌克兰周六对俄罗斯城市别尔哥罗德发动袭击,造成至少 21 人死亡,其中包括 3 名儿童,另有 110 人受伤。一天前,莫斯科对其邻国发动了大规模致命空袭。




Saturday’s shelling comes after Russia launched overnight Thursday into Friday its biggest air attack on Ukraine since the start of its full-scale invasion, resulting in at least 40 deaths and more than 150 injuries.

Ukrainian attacks on Russian regions near the border have continued almost daily for over a year, sometimes resulting in civilian casualties, but this would be one of the single deadliest incidents yet reported. CNN cannot independently confirm the death toll.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been briefed about the attack in Belgorod, the Kremlin said, ordering a health ministry team and emergencies ministry rescuers to be sent to the city to help those affected.

周六的炮击发生之前,俄罗斯周四至周五连夜对乌克兰发动了自全面入侵以来最大规模的空袭,造成至少 40 人死亡、150 多人受伤。



美媒CNN:俄罗斯本土遭火箭弹袭击21人死亡shelling kill 21 Russian美媒CNN:俄罗斯本土遭火箭弹袭击21人死亡shelling kill 21 Russian

A view shows a damaged car following what was said to be Ukrainian forces' shelling in the course of Russia-Ukraine conflict, in Belgorod, Russia.


After calling for a last minute emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council over the attack on Belgorod, Russia faced backlash from several council members.

Russia’s ambassador Vasily Nebenzya described the attack as “a deliberate act of terrorism planned against civilians” and claimed that a sports complex where children were present and an ice ring with kids were hit.

Ukraine was quick to respond as its representative, Serhii Dvornyk, told the Council that “the only way to stop human suffering” is “to stop the war itself” – calling on Russia to cease its aggression and withdraw its troops.

His comments were echoed by Ukraine’s western allies who put the blame squarely on Russia and its leader.


俄罗斯大使瓦西里·内本齐亚(Vasily Nebenzya)将这次袭击描述为“针对平民的蓄意恐怖主义行为”,并声称有儿童在场的体育场馆和有儿童的冰圈遭到袭击。

乌克兰迅速做出回应,其代表谢尔希·德沃尔尼克(Serhii Dvornyk)告诉安理会,“停止人类苦难的唯一方法”是“停止战争本身”——呼吁俄罗斯停止侵略并撤军。


“Putin should be honest with his own people about the true and mounting cost of this war,” John Kelley, who represented the United States at the Council, said and added “we are here again today because the Kremlin refuses to halt its illegal invasion.”

The Security Council meeting took place hours after a Russian missile attack in Kharkiv in which at least 26 people were injured, according to Ukrainian officials.

Russian authorities said Belgorod was also shelled Friday night with one civilian killed, the region’s governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said. Four others, including a child, were injured, he added.

On Saturday, a child also died as a result of Ukrainian shelling in Russia’s Bryansk region, the region’s Governor Aleksandr Bogomaz said.


据乌克兰官员称,俄罗斯在哈尔科夫发动导弹袭击,造成至少 26 人受伤,数小时后召开了安理会会议。

俄罗斯当局称,别尔哥罗德地区州长维亚切斯拉夫·格拉德科夫 (Vyacheslav Gladkov) 表示,周五晚间别尔哥罗德也遭到炮击,造成一名平民死亡。他补充说,包括一名儿童在内的其他四人受伤。


Russia’s defense ministry said it destroyed 32 Ukrainian UAVs flying over the Russian regions of Bryansk, Oryol, Mursk, and Moscow, according to a Telegram post by the defense ministry Saturday.

Ukraine has not publicly commented on the incidents and rarely claims responsibility for attacks on its neighbor.

据俄罗斯国防部周六发布的 Telegram 帖子称,俄罗斯国防部称其摧毁了飞越俄罗斯布良斯克、奥廖尔、穆尔斯克和莫斯科地区的 32 架乌克兰无人机。


Rescuers comb through Kyiv rubble


The toll from the Russian strikes on Ukraine – which saw an unprecedented number of drones and missiles fired at targets across the country – meanwhile continued to mount.

A 77-year-old man died from his injuries in the city of Odesa, Oleh Kiper, the head of the Odesa region military administration said, bringing the total killed to 40.

The man was critically injured when a missile hit a three-storey building in the center of Odesa, Kiper added.

Schools, a maternity hospital, shopping arcades and blocks of flats were among the buildings hit in Friday’s barrage, prompting widespread international condemnation and renewing calls for more military aid.





The toll in the capital Kyiv rose to at least 16, after the bodies of more civilians were recovered from the rubble of a warehouse, Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko said Saturday. All the deaths in Kyiv occurred at the warehouse.

“The attack on the capital city on December 29 was the largest in terms of civilian casualties” since the start of the full-scale invasion, he said.

“Rescuers are working and will continue to clear the rubble until tomorrow,” Klitschko said. “January 1 will be declared a Day of Mourning in Kyiv.”

During the wave of strikes, Poland’s military authorities claimed that an “unidentified airbourne object” briefly entered its airspace.

Russia said it would not give any any explanation “until concrete evidence is presented.”

首都基辅市长维塔利·克里琴科周六表示,在从仓库废墟中找到更多平民尸体后,首都基辅的死亡人数已上升至至少 16 人。基辅的所有死亡事件都发生在仓库。

他说,“12 月 29 日对首都的袭击是全面入侵开始以来造成平民伤亡最惨重的一次”。

克里琴科说:“救援人员正在工作,并将继续清理废墟,直到明天。” “1月1日将被宣布为基辅哀悼日。”



NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg wrote on X that NATO remained vigilant over the incident.




