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美媒报道朱令:孙维很可能永远不会受到公正审判但她余生都将逃亡(附2024年最新排行榜前十排名名单):孙维很可能永远不会受到公正的审判。但大多数华语世界都确保她余生都将成为逃亡者。The heartbreaking saga of Zhu Ling朱令的心酸事迹Zhu's stor……全球排行榜123网www.vai8.com)小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解对你有所帮助!



The heartbreaking saga of Zhu Ling


Zhu's story has straddled and defined two ends of the Internet revolution, connecting two decades, two continents, and two generations.


In a grainy, black-and-white video of her final performance, Zhu Ling sweeps across the stage in a black skirt and white blouse before taking a seat behind a guqin, the six-stringed Chinese zither. She’s been feeling sick recently, and you can tell she’s a little nervous. But her fingers are precise. They pluck out a cautious melody.


Zhu has no idea she’s been poisoned.

A heavy metal is coursing through her body, brutalizing her neurological system. By the time the rare element is finally diagnosed and purged, Zhu will be physically ruined, her brilliant mind permanently damaged, her mental capacities reduced to that of a 6-year-old. She will forever be trapped in 1995, believing she’s a student at China’s most prestigious technical university.

She will miss everything that happens next.




Zhu’s story has straddled and defined two ends of the Internet revolution, connecting two decades, two continents, and two generations. She was probably the first person whose life was saved thanks to crowdsourced medical advice.

Nearly two decades later, her case has become the subject of what may be the largest amateur online manhunt in history, as millions of strangers in two countries unite on message boards and social media to scour the world for the only suspect in her poisoning, a woman barely seen or heard from since 1995—her college roommate.


近二十年后,她的案件已成为可能是历史上最大规模的业余在线搜捕的主题,两个国家的数百万陌生人在留言板和社交媒体上联合起来,在全世界范围内寻找她中毒事件的唯一嫌疑人,自 1995 年以来,她就很少见到或失去音信——她的大学室友。



It all began with an SOS made of ones and zeroes.

Dr. John Aldis was sitting in his home office in Washington, D.C., on April 10, 1995, when the message popped up on his computer screen.

“Docs in China unable to diagnose this disease. HELP!!”

Aldis had served 20 years as a doctor in embassies around the world, from Jakarta to Lagos and eventually Beijing. Towards the end of his four-year tenure in Beijing, he’d taken a tour of Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMC) with his friend Dr. Chen Dechang, head of the critical care unit. Chen told him about a patient who suffered from mysterious symptoms they were struggling to diagnose.

The Usenet message had his attention immediately.

这一切都始于由 1 和 0 组成的求救信号。

1995 年 4 月 10 日,约翰·阿尔迪斯 (John Aldis) 博士坐在华盛顿特区的家庭办公室里,这时他的电脑屏幕上弹出了这条消息。


阿尔迪斯曾在世界各地的大使馆担任医生 20 年,从雅加达到拉各斯,最后到北京。在北京的四年任期即将结束时,他与朋友、重症监护室主任陈德昌医生参观了北京协和医院(PUMC)。陈告诉他,一名患者患有神秘的症状,而他们却难以诊断。


This is Peking University in China, a place of those dreams of freedom and democracy. However, a young, 21-year-old student has become very sick and is dying. The illness is very rare. Though they have tried, doctors at the best hospitals in Beijing cannot cure her; many do not even know what illness it is. So now we are asking the world—can somebody help us?

这里是中国的北京大学,是自由民主梦想的地方。然而,一名 21 岁的年轻学生病得很重,生命垂危。这种病非常罕见。尽管他们尝试过,但北京最好的医院的医生都无法治愈她。许多人甚至不知道这是什么病。所以现在我们问世界——有人可以帮助我们吗?

My god, Aldis remembers thinking. That’s the same girl. He was no expert in toxicology, but Aldis knew people who were. He printed out the message and marched it straight to work at the state department the next day.



Aldis wasn’t the only one digging into the mystery. First posted to the sci.med Usenet group on April 10, the message was jumping across phone lines and satellites at light speed, popping up on computer screens belonging to complete strangers across the world. In years to come, a thousand memes would propagate with the same kind of viral intensity. But to doctors poking around on the proto-Internet, this was an entirely new phenomenon. And it was deadly serious.

阿尔迪斯并不是唯一一个探究这一谜团的人。该消息于 4 月 10 日首次发布到sci.med Usenet 群组,以光速跨越电话线和卫星,出现在世界各地完全陌生的电脑屏幕上。在未来的几年里,一千个迷因将以同样的病毒强度传播。但对于在原始互联网上探索的医生来说,这是一个全新的现象。而且情况非常严重。

In Los Angeles, toxicologist Ashok Jain would learn of the case from the teenage son of his department’s chair. Fellows at New York city’s world-famous poison control center, including 33-year-old Richard Hamilton, printed out the message and discussed it as an academic case study. At UCLA’s School of Medicine, Xin Li, a China-born graduate student studying the untested field of telemedicine—sharing medical information over phone lines and the Internet—replied to the message.

Keep me informed of what happened next, he said.

He might be able to help.

在洛杉矶,毒理学家阿肖克·贾恩 (Ashok Jain) 从系主任十几岁的儿子那里得知了这个案例。纽约市举世闻名的毒物控制中心的研究员,包括 33 岁的理查德·汉密尔顿 (Richard Hamilton),打印了这条信息,并将其作为学术案例进行讨论。在加州大学洛杉矶分校医学院,出生于中国的研究生李欣回复了这条消息,他研究的是未经检验的远程医疗领域——通过电话线和互联网共享医疗信息。




A month earlier, Beijing University student Bei Zhicheng had received a phone call from an old friend. He’d better go visit Zhu, the friend said, because it might be the last chance to see her alive. Zhu and Bei had had grown apart after graduating high school and attending different universities, but Bei had fond memories of her. She was sweet and kind, a whiz at math and science, and a gifted musician.


Stepping into her hospital room, Bei’s first reaction was to flee, as he later told a Chinese news report. His former classmate was half-naked, strung up with so many tubes she hung like a puppet. Her eyes bulged out in an expression of unbelievable pain. “I was terrified,” he later recalled.

贝后来告诉中国新闻报道 ,走进她的病房,他的第一反应是逃跑。他以前的同学半裸着,身上挂着很多管子,像个木偶一样。她的眼睛凸出,露出难以置信的痛苦表情。“我很害怕,”他后来回忆道。


He paced the halls, trying to think of what he could do. Then he had an idea. His friend Cai Quanqing was experimenting with a new technology, just introduced to top universities and research institutions in China. Cai was one of the few students at Beijing University with an email address and access to Usenet groups.

He asked Zhu’s parents if they would object to sending a message over the Internet, to spread her story to people all over the world.

“Please try if you can,” her mother remembers saying.

On April 10, the pair copied their digital SOS into a window on the sci.med board. Then they clicked “enter.”




4 月 10 日,两人将他们的数字 SOS 复制到 sci.med 板上的一个窗口中。然后他们点击“输入”。

In Los Angeles, Doctor Jain immediately suspected thallium poisoning. The same answer came to Hamilton and the fellows at New York’s poison control center. And when Dr. Aldis heard back from his trusted colleague at the state department, the answer was clear: thallium.

More than 1,500 other replies, many from top toxicologists around the world, poured in. Bei and Cai had turned on a faucet that they couldn’t control. The information was coming so fast they could barely translate a message before another two or three appeared. But even as the responses overwhelmed them, they couldn’t help but notice that one alien word appearing again and again.



超过 1,500 条回复涌入,其中许多来自世界各地的顶级毒理学家。贝和蔡打开了一个他们无法控制的水龙头。信息来得如此之快,他们几乎无法翻译一条信息,然后又出现了两三条信息。但即使这些反应让他们不知所措,他们还是忍不住注意到一个陌生的词一次又一次出现。





The 81st element on the periodic table looks like how you might imagine solid mercury. Silver and delicate with a sharp metallic sheen, thallium is soft and malleable, giving with the ease of butter when cut. Called ta in Chinese, the metal does not exist free in nature, and it was unknown to science until 1861, when English chemist William Crookes noticed a strange residue left behind after making a batch of sulfuric acid. A year later, another chemist, Frenchman Claude-Auguste Lamy, figured out how to isolate the new element. Neither man had any idea they’d just discovered one of the most dangerous poisons in history.

元素周期表中的第 81 号元素看起来就像您想象的固体汞。铊呈银色,细腻,具有锐利的金属光泽,柔软且具有延展性,切割时具有黄油般的质感。这种金属在中文中称为“ta”,在自然界中并不游离存在,直到 1861 年,英国化学家威廉·克鲁克斯 (William Crookes) 注意到在制造一批硫酸后留下了一种奇怪的残留物,科学界才知道这种金属。一年后,另一位化学家法国人克洛德-奥古斯特·拉米找到了分离新元素的方法。两人都不知道他们刚刚发现了历史上最危险的毒药之一。

One gram of the stuff will kill you—slowly, painfully, over the course of two weeks. Since it’s odorless and tasteless, you can add a pinch to a drink and your victim will never know.



Thallium competes with potassium, a key nutrient, replacing functioning ions with duds that just don’t work. “It blocks energy production in the body at just about every level,” Hamilton told me. “In neurons, in the gastrointestinal tract, in every organ system.

“There’s nothing it doesn’t poison.”

铊与钾(一种关键营养素)竞争,用不起作用的无用离子取代有功能的离子。汉密尔顿告诉我:“它几乎在各个层面上都会阻碍体内的能量产生。” “在神经元中,在胃肠道中,在每个器官系统中。


Dubbed the “poisoner’s poison,” thallium has long a been a favorite weapon for assassins and creative killers looking for a quiet murder weapon. It was Saddam Hussein’s assassination tool of choice and a favorite of the KGB, too. For a long time, thallium sulfate was a common ingredient in rat poison, and murderous housewives baked it into treats or dropped a serving in tea. Between 1948 and 1953 in Australia, thallium poisoning almost became a fad; Sydney hospitals were overwhelmed with more than 103 cases of poisoning during the time period.

铊被称为“投毒者的毒药”,长期以来一直是刺客和寻找安静谋杀武器的创意杀手最喜欢的武器。它是萨达姆·侯赛因 选择的暗杀工具,也是克格勃的最爱。长期以来,硫酸铊是老鼠药的常见成分,凶残的家庭主妇将其烘烤成零食或放入茶中。1948 年至 1953 年间,铊中毒在澳大利亚几乎成为一种时尚。在此期间,悉尼医院因超过 103 起中毒病例而不堪重负。

Authorities slowly wizened up. Now thallium is illegal in most countries, its use restricted to a select few chemistry labs where researchers study its application in computer hardware and other high-tech fields. In 1995, only a few students and professors at Qingua University had access to thallium.

Zhu wasn’t one of them.




As the poison continued to ravage Zhu’s body, Bei and Cai rushed to deliver their messages to the hospital. But the doctors were hesitant to believe diagnoses gathered from strangers over the Internet. Since Zhu didn’t have access to thallium, how could it possibly be the problem? They seemed unwilling to entertain the notion Zhu had been deliberately poisoned.



For Zhu’s parents, the crescendo of voices from around the world was too much to ignore. They collected samples of their daughter’s blood and hair and sent them to a toxicology expert elsewhere in Beijing.

Aldis remembers receiving the phone call April 28 from either Bei or Cai (18 years later, he can’t remember which) while he was at a medical conference in Hawaii.

“It is thallium poisoning!” the voice shouted over the receiver. More than 1,000 times the normal amount.


阿尔迪斯记得 4 月 28 日,当他在夏威夷参加一个医学会议时,接到了贝或蔡(18 年后,他不记得是哪一个)打来的电话。

“这是铊中毒!” 听筒里的声音喊道。超过正常量的1000倍。

Now the PUMC doctors were willing to admit they needed urgent help: How should they treat her? UCLA grad student Xin Li ,27, stepped up as an impromptu coordinator, reaching out to Jain and Hamilton, of the Los Angeles and New York poison control centers, and translating their instructions for Beijing. He set up a website to track the case, (still available on the Internet archive) where he uploaded a rolling set of updates on her condition, as well as MRI scans of her brain and other medical documents.

The American doctors urged administering the antidote immediately: Prussian Blue, a pigment frequently used in painting and inks.

现在协和医生们愿意承认他们需要紧急帮助:他们应该如何治疗她?27 岁的加州大学洛杉矶分校研究生李欣作为临时协调员,联系了洛杉矶和纽约毒物控制中心的贾恩和汉密尔顿,并将他们的指示翻译给北京。他建立了一个网站来跟踪这个案例(仍然可以在互联网档案中找到),在那里他上传了一系列有关她病情的最新更新,以及她大脑的核磁共振扫描和其他医疗文件。


There was no medical Prussian Blue in the entire capital, the Chinese doctors soon discovered. Could they use the industrial dye from local factories? Yes, the Americans responded. On May 3, nearly a month after Bei and Cai’s Usenet plea for help, doctors finally began administering the antidote. Thallium levels plummeted and then rose and then plummeted again.

At one point, Zhu’s mother noticed beads of blue sweat forming across Zhu’s skin. But the Americans said that was not unusual. She was sweating out Prussian Blue—and with it, the thallium. On May 9, the poison’s levels were 21 milligrams per liter of blood, down from a high of 33. By May 12, the levels had dropped to almost zero.


有一次,朱的母亲注意到朱的皮肤上出现了蓝色的汗珠。但美国人表示这并不罕见。她正在出汗,排出普鲁士蓝——以及随之而来的铊。5 月 9 日,该毒物的含量从每升血液 33 毫克的最高水平降至 21 毫克。到 5 月 12 日,含量已降至几乎为零。

Zhu was cured.

But the help had come too late.

“She’s a girl with no brain and one lung,” Aldis said. “She will never tie her shoelaces. She’s severely neurologically bad off. Did we succeed?”

Zhu was left nearly blind, permanently brain-damaged, confined to a wheelchair. For the rest of her life, she would depend entirely on her parents’ care.

For her family and everyone who had helped her, one question still lingered: Who poisoned Zhu?








There’s no real American parallel for Tianya. Launched in 1999, China’s largest Web forum has dominated the country’s Web culture for more than a decade, a petri dish for Internet subcultures but also a hub for China’s mainstream Internet: Imagine 4chan and Reddit spliced with the old AOL launch page. In the 2000s, Tianya achieved a certain level of fame and notoriety for something called the “human flesh search engine,” a somewhat grotesque term used to describe China’s unique brand of crowdsourced online detective work.

天涯 在美国没有真正的相似之处。中国最大的网络论坛于 1999 年推出,十多年来一直主导着中国的网络文化,它是互联网亚文化的培养皿,也是中国主流互联网的中心:Imagine 4chan 和 Reddit 与旧的 AOL 启动页面拼接在一起。2000年代,天涯因“人肉搜索引擎”而获得了一定程度的名气和恶名,这是一个有点奇怪的术语,用于描述中国独特的众包在线侦探作品品牌。

In 2005, the human flesh search engine was let loose on Zhu’s case. It began on Tianya, with a single post from a user calling herself Skyoneline: “Ten years ago, while I was still in college, I heard about Zhu Ling’s story on the news.”

The case laid out by Skyoneline told a story of jealousy, corruption, and cover up, all pointing a finger at a woman named Sun Wei.



Sun Wei was Zhu Ling’s classmate, roommate, and teammate on the college folk music team. According to some Tsinghua students, Sun was doing a research with her professor at that time, and was the only student that had access to thallium. Besides, due to her close relationship with Zhu, she had the best chance and time to poison Zhu. (Translation via China Daily)

孙伟是朱令的同学、室友、大学民乐队的队友。据一些清华学生称,孙当时正在和她的教授一起做研究,是唯一接触到铊的学生。而且,由于她与朱氏关系密切,给朱氏下毒是最好的机会和时机。(中国日报翻译 )

The story was a lot more than hearsay. Police really did question Sun Wei in August 1995, but they released her after eight hours. In 1998, they dropped the case, citing lack of evidence

Speculation on Tianya suggested something more sinister at play: Sun Wei had powerful family connections. Her father’s cousin and her grandfather were very powderful at that time. In China, guanxi, or personal connections, are a powerful cultural force, encouraging nepotism and favoritism, and perpetuating class disparities. In Sun’s case, Tianya users alleged, guanxi was enough to help Sun get away with murder.



As the Skyoneline post set Tianya alight with conspiracy theories, old names resurfaced. Bei Zhicheng posted to the forum, asserting his own suspicions: “The police’s suspicion was based on facts presented by Qinghua University: Sun Wei was the only student with access to thallium, and Zhu Ling’s back-up on the Folk Music Team,” Bei wrote.

He continued:

随着 Skyoneline 的帖子让天涯阴谋论点燃,旧名字又重新出现。贝志诚在论坛上发帖,声称自己的怀疑:“警方的怀疑是基于清华大学提供的事实:孙维是唯一获得铊的学生,而朱令是民乐队的后援。”写道。


According to a retired officer with the Beijing Municipal Police Station, Zhu Ling’s cup was found in a box under Sun Wei’ s bed. The other thing I want to mention is the apathy shown by Zhu Ling’s classmates. Nobody offered a hand when I asked them for help in translating the emails on Zhu Ling’s illness we got from the foreign experts.


Here was word from someone who had firsthand knowledge of the events, hinting both of a motive and perhaps conspiracy. Sun was jealous of her beautiful and talented roommate. And her friends refused to help the campaign to save Zhu’s life.

Strangers began calling Sun’s family home. They hounded her old friends, too, the ones Bei accused of apathy: her former roommate, Jin Ya, her next-door neighbor, Li Hanlin, and Li’s husband, Xue Gang. The tireless human flesh search engine appeared to be weighing Sun Wei down. After talking over the situation with her friends, she finally broke her 10-year public silence. She issued a statement—on Tianya:



“I am innocent, and also a victim of the case,” Sun began, before suggesting that thallium was very easy to access at the university. “Sometimes, the laboratory was even left unlocked.”

She added: “On the Internet, even though everyone has just a virtual identity, one should still be rational, objective and responsible for their own words and actions.”

Around the same time, a hacker broke into Sun’s email account and posted her conversations with her friends online. The emails revealed a sense of helplessness and a desire to to fight back, but Zhu’s supporters saw the discussion as a conspiracy to whitewash Sun’s image.




Sun was fighting an impossible public relations battle: One woman and her friends against pretty much all of China’s Internet. After posting once more to Tianya, she apparently gave up. In the years that followed, she allegedly changed her name to Sun Shiyan and fled to the United States, where she goes by the name Jasmine Sun.

Despite the groundswell of public interest in the case, it never reopened. It went cold as it was in 1995.

孙正在打一场不可能的公关战:一名妇女和她的朋友与几乎所有中国互联网进行对抗。在再次向天涯发帖后,她显然放弃了。据称,在接下来的几年里,她改名为孙释颜并逃往美国,在那里她的名字叫孙茉莉(Jasmine Sun)。



The longer Zhu Ling’s poisoner remains unpunished, the deeper anger settles into the bones of China’s Internet.

“The intelligent, diligent, multi talented, and beautiful Zhu Ling … represents every Chinese parent’s dream and is every young Chinese student’s role model,” ChinaFiles Sun Yunfan wrote last week. “For 19 years many people in China have believed that her dreams were shattered by someone with a powerful family, and that justice could not be served because the ‘ruling class’ was above the rules.”

Few things inspire Chinese populist rage as much as corruption; the case symbolizes the helplessness many Chinese feel in the face of a judicial and political system that bends to the will of the powerful.





These tensions have always simmered under the surface, but the Internet provides a platform for anyone to sidestep censors and reach audiences in the millions. Last year, social media exposed a half dozen sex and corruption scandals among Chinese officials. And in 2011, it proved a powerful force in revealing how graft and corruption helped cause a train derailment that killed 37 people.

On April 15, 2013, a graduate student at Shanghai’s prestigious Fudan University fell ill and died. The similarities with Zhu’s 20-year-old cold case ago were obvious, except for one key detail: In Shanghai, police moved swiftly to arrest the murdered student’s roommate.

这些紧张局势一直在表面下酝酿,但互联网为任何人提供了一个绕过审查并接触数百万观众的平台。去年,社交媒体曝光了六起中国官员的性丑闻和腐败丑闻。2011 年,事实证明,它具有强大的力量,揭露了贪污腐败如何导致火车出轨,造成 37 人死亡。


A switch clicked in the Chinese Internet. Overnight Zhu’s name dominated conversation. The Beijing Security Bureau’s Sina Weibo page became a lightning rod for online fury, as netizens littered it with invectives and complaints and demands to reopen the case. Celebrities with millions of followers helped fuel the fire, and soon Sina Weibo censors stepped in with a ham handed censorship campaign, deleting high-profile posts about Zhu Ling. That only spurred conspiracy—a sense of dread that the government was once more shirking justice in favor of the powerful. Wrote one Sina Weibo user:


A powerful force has decided that microblogging related to Zhu Ling has become worthy of censoring and controlling, including those tweets written by celebrities and the People’s Daily. The force is so powerful it can withstand millions of microbloggers in pursuit of justice. (Translation via Bloomberg)


By April 30, Zhu’s name was a trending topic on Weibo, before suddenly disappearing. It’s not clear if Sina Weibo was acting on its own or if the government itself was directing censorship. A leaked memo acquired by China Digital Times, however, revealed Chinese officials were taking online chatter about the case seriously. The directives from the state’s propaganda department demanded that Chinese media official police accounts of events be trusted implicitly:


If producing reports concerning the thallium poisoning of Qinghua University student Zhu Ling, all media and website coverage must without exception accord authoritative information from the relevant Beijing municipal departments. Do not challenge [the information from the authorities] and do not sensationalize the story.


As the state’s stranglehold began to settle in, it was almost natural for Chinese to once again look overseas for help.



Occasionally blocked in China and little known to most Americans, Huaren.us is a bustling message board catering to the the U.S.’s sizable Chinese population. Members have followed Zhu for years, but discussion heated up a few days after the Shanghai poisoning incident.

Leaping off trailheads from mainland China, Huaren users trawled through the online footprints of Sun’s alleged accomplices (the “Thallium Party”). Li Hanlin and Xue Gang had long ago married and moved to the United States, launching successful careers in big pharmaceutical companies. Hanlin was formerly a principal scientist at Pfizer; Xue Gang recently began work Amgen.

On the Huaren boards, details from the trio’s social media profiles trickled in at constant pace: home addresses, phone numbers, emails, satellite photos of their houses, photographs of the couple and their young child. Their employers were hit with a deluge of phone calls and emails, most of which were some variation of this:

华人网是一个 为美国大量华人服务的热闹留言板,在中国偶尔会被屏蔽,而且大多数美国人鲜为人知。成员们多年来一直关注朱,但在上海中毒事件发生几天后,讨论变得更加激烈。



I know Mr. Gang XUE through this crime and I know your company, Amgen, through this crime. I feel deeply sorry to see that your company, a prestigious image preciously created and maintained, is linked to this cruel, cold-blooded crime through Mr. Gang XUE, a dishonest, low morale and manipulating person.


(Amgen declined to speak to the Daily Dot, saying it does not speak on the private affairs of its employees.)

(安进拒绝接受 Daily Dot 采访,称其不会谈论员工的私人事务。)

When Huaren users discovered the couple was posting their $400,000 Waterford, Conn., house for sale, they peppered the listing company with emails. Within a few days the listing agent had dumped it from the website. Both Xue and Li have since worked to scrub their trail from the Internet.

“Although I’m a bit younger, Zhu Ling and I are from the same generation,” Huaren user chitchat told me. She’s been deeply involved in the campaign and told me she’s a naturalized U.S. citizen and a professor at an American university. “We could have shared similar personal joys [and] and dreams and professional ambitions.

“Zhu Ling’s aging yet resilient and respectable parents could have been mine.”

当华人用户发现这对夫妇正在发布价值 40 万美元的康涅狄格州沃特福德待售房屋时,他们向上市公司发送了大量电子邮件。几天之内,上市代理就将其从网站上删除了。此后,薛和李都致力于从互联网上清除他们的踪迹。



Another branch of the Huaren campaign focused on publicizing the case to a U.S. audience, like a crowdsourced America’s Most Wanted.

They battled over Zhu Ling’s Wikipedia page, eventually prevailing in ensuring that Sun Wei’s role in the case was included. A dozen other Huaren users worked feverishly to translate a famous CCTV news report on Zhu Ling’s case, hoping it might hit the front page of YouTube. That never happened, but the video has been viewed more than 90,000 times and does provide one of the best English-language introductions to the case.


他们就朱令的维基百科页面进行了争论,最终获胜,确保将孙伟在此案中的角色纳入其中。其他十几个华人用户正在加紧翻译中央电视台关于朱令案的著名新闻报道,希望它能登上 YouTube 的头版。这种情况从未发生过,但该视频已被观看超过 90,000 次,并且确实提供了该案件的最佳英语介绍之一。

“The production group doesn’t want to create a wrong impression of a ‘Internet witch hunt,’” chitchat told me. The goal, she suggested, was to “push Sun and/or her accomplices to confess,” so their statements would stand as evidence for reopening the investigation.



The pressure on Sun boiled over on May 3, when her name landed on the White House’s front steps. Thousands had flocked to an online petition started by Huaren user Y.Z., demanding the U.S. investigate and deport Sun Wei. (There’s still little solid evidence she lives in the United States. Sun has been an online ghost since 2006.) With more than 100,000 signatures, the petition easily gathered enough supporters to pass the White House’s threshold for an official response. It’s not clear the Obama administration can do much of anything, however, beyond making a public statement; the Justice Department has no jurisdiction over foreign criminal cases.

5月3日,当她的名字出现在白宫前的台阶上时,孙维的压力达到了顶峰。数千人涌向华人用户发起的在线请愿,要求美国调查并驱逐孙维。(仍然没有确凿的证据证明她住在美国。孙自 2006 年以来一直是网络幽灵。)请愿书有超过 10 万个签名,很容易就聚集了足够多的支持者,从而通过了白宫正式回应的门槛。然而,除了发表公开声明之外,目前还不清楚奥巴马政府还能做些什么。司法部对外国刑事案件没有管辖权。

The campaign was always more about raising awareness than somehow forcing Obama’s hand, however. Back in the mainland, agitation from the public finally forced the Beijing Public Safety Bureau to release a feckless statement on its official Weibo account about the case. The police claimed Zhu’s poisoning case was simply too old to effectively reopen, and things were handled correctly the first time around: “The dedicated investigation team worked according to law, and the investigation was never compromised or interfered with in any way.” Around the same time Sina Weibo finally lifted its censorship of Zhu Ling’s name.

然而,这场竞选更多的是为了提高人们的认识,而不是以某种方式强迫奥巴马采取行动。回到大陆后,公众的骚动最终迫使北京市公安局在其官方微博上就该案发布了一份不负责任的声明。警方称,朱某投毒案时间太久远,无法有效重新审理,而且事情一开始就得到了正确处理:“专门的调查组依法开展工作,调查从未受到任何损害或干扰。” 大约在同一时间,新浪微博终于解除了对朱令名字的审查。


For Americans, the Zhu Ling campaign may recall uncomfortable similarities to the vigilantism after the Boston Marathon bombing, when thousands of amateur Internet detectives scoured public footage of the attack and misidentified the bombers—twice. But China’s judicial system works behind a veil made murky by political sensitivity and corruption. As Motherboard’s Alex Pasternack put it:

对于美国人来说,朱令运动可能会让人想起波士顿马拉松爆炸案后的私刑活动,这令人不安,当时数千名业余互联网侦探搜索了袭击事件的公开录像,并两次错误地识别了爆炸者。但中国司法系统的运作因政治敏感性和腐败而变得阴暗。正如 Motherboard 的 Alex Pasternack 所说:

Of course there is a risk to the vigilantism that Zhu’s case has inspired. Crowdsourcing may be useful for diagnosing a disease, but as America’s failed attempt to crowd-source the Boston bomber’s identity demonstrated, it’s not necessarily a very good way to solve a crime.

In the wake of crimes like the Boston bombing, Americans can speculate about the power of the crowd to do that sort of thing; in China, sometimes there’s no other option.



There is another option.

A private investigator is now on the hunt. Earlier this month, Huaren members chipped in $1,500 to hire to hire the U.S.-based PI, hoping he might be able to discover Sun Wei’s location and uncover alleged tax fraud she committed with her husband.

Zhu Ling is now 40 years old. Her septuagenarian parents still take care of her everyday. They help hook her up to a respirator. They flush liquid from her lungs. They massage her atrophying muscles.


一名私家侦探目前正在进行追捕。本月早些时候,华人会员出资 1,500 美元聘请了这位驻美国的 PI,希望他能够找到孙维的位置,并揭发她与丈夫涉嫌税务欺诈的案件。


“Things used to be so different,” her mother told China Daily. “Before the tragedy all she brought me was joy. Her life would have been so promising if her plans had worked out. But now all that is lost. There’s nothing left.”

Sun Wei will probably never receive a fair trial. But most of the Chinese-speaking world is making sure she’ll be a fugitive the rest of her life.

“事情过去很不一样,”她的母亲告诉 《中国日报》。“在悲剧发生之前,她给我带来的只是快乐。如果她的计划得以实现,她的生活将会如此美好。但现在一切都失去了。什么都没有剩下了。”




