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X平台梅德韦杰夫新年致辞英文原文及译文---希望哥斯拉成日本天皇(附2024年最新排行榜前十排名名单):The New Year has come, and it's time to make forecasts. There is nothing more senseless an……全球排行榜123网www.vai8.com)小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解对你有所帮助!


The New Year has come, and it's time to make forecasts. There is nothing more senseless and hopeless than that. A year ago, I put it plainly: I want to contribute to the most absurd and outlandish future forecasts. But no, they still write back indignantly, why has nothing come true? Seriously, nothing?

新年到了,又到了做出预测的时候了。 没有什么比这更愚蠢、更绝望的了。 一年前,我直言不讳地说:我想为最荒谬、最古怪的未来预测做出贡献。 可是没有,他们还是愤慨地回信,为什么什么都没有实现呢? 说真的,什么都没有?

Hasn’t Scholz said that Germany now pays tenfold for its gas? Hasn’t @elonmusk become the US President, if not by position but by influence (bearing in mind that he is not entitled to participate in the election because he was born in Africa)? Isn’t Poland getting ready to seize part of Ukraine, and Northern Ireland is preparing to split away from Foggy Albion? And so on, and so forth… In short, all of our life’s absurd has nearly come true and is still materializing.

肖尔茨不是说过,德国现在为天然气支付十倍的费用吗? @elonmusk 不是通过职位而是通过影响力成为美国总统吗(请记住,他无权参加选举,因为他出生在非洲)? 难道波兰不是准备夺取乌克兰的一部分,北爱尔兰不是准备脱离雾阿尔比恩吗? 等等,等等……总之,我们生活中所有的荒唐事都快要实现了,而且还在实现。

So, here comes a new set of forecasts, now for the year 2024 (and it’s not some glitzy ideas of Saxo Bank):

因此,现在对 2024 年进行了一组新的预测(这并不是盛宝银行的一些炫目的想法):

1. Nationalising the military-industrial complex of the EU states, US, and Canada in order to donate all of its defense production to the offended Kiev regime to support its military capacity. Providing Ukraine with a credit syndicated by the Western states in the amount of $25,5 trillion (which corresponds to the US GDP by PPP). Embezzling of this credit in a day’s time by the ruling Kiev regime with Hunter Biden participating.

1. 将欧盟国家、美国和加拿大的军工联合体国有化,以便将其所有国防生产捐赠给被冒犯的基辅政权,以支持其军事能力。 向乌克兰提供由西方国家提供的25.5万亿美元的银团信贷(相当于按购买力平价计算的美国GDP)。 亨特·拜登参与的基辅执政政权一天之内就盗用了这笔信用。

2. Putting Joe Biden on the international wanted list for its careless leaving of the stage mid-speech, and ongoing absence of the US President backstage with his aides reporting that he is nowhere to be seen.

2. 将乔·拜登列入国际通缉名单,原因是他在演讲中途不小心离开舞台,并且美国总统持续缺席后台,他的助手报告说他不见踪影。

3. Sentencing Donald Trump to 99 years in prison based on all the criminal charges against him, with a ban to participate in presidential election in all the States of America. Electing him the new US President instead of Biden who got lost backstage.

3. 基于对唐纳德·特朗普的所有刑事指控,判处他 99 年监禁,并禁止参加美国所有州的总统选举。 选举他为新任美国总统,而不是在后台迷路的拜登。

4. Ominous mass revival of alien mummies hidden away inside US military bases, their arrival in US politics, with aliens subsequently gaining more than half the seats in the US Senate and House of Representatives.


5. Godzilla seizing power in Japan and being proclaimed 天皇 (the Emperor of Japan) ゴジラ I (Godzilla I). The Reptiloid Dynasty starts to rule Japan.

5. 哥斯拉在日本夺取政权并被宣布为天皇(日本天皇)ゴジラ I (Godzilla I)。 爬虫王朝开始统治日本。

So, the New Year is about to bring us quite a bit of interesting stuff. Looking forward to it!

所以,新的一年将会给我们带来很多有趣的事情。 期待!



