

2024-01-13 16:00:47 全球排行榜123网 公司


美媒:电动汽车里程碑,特斯拉虽反弹,但【比亚迪】第4季度反超(附2024年最新排行榜前十排名名单):今天的New York Times:Tesla Sales Rebound After Steep Price Cuts大幅降价后特斯拉销量反弹The leading U.S. e……全球排行榜123网www.vai8.com)小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解对你有所帮助!


今天的New York Times:

Tesla Sales Rebound After Steep Price Cuts


The leading U.S. electric-vehicle maker also drew buyers eager to take advantage of government incentives that will be harder to get in 2024.

这家美国领先的电动汽车制造商还吸引了渴望利用政府激励措施的买家,而到 2024 年,政府激励措施将变得更加困难。


Tesla now accounts for half the electric cars sold in the United States. In 2022, it accounted for two-thirds of the market.


Tesla sales jumped during the last three months of 2023 after the carmaker slashed prices and customers rushed to take advantage of tax breaks on electric vehicles — provisions that will be harder to come by in 2024.

在汽车制造商大幅降价以及消费者争相利用电动汽车税收减免政策(而到 2024 年将更难获得这些优惠)之后,特斯拉的销量在 2023 年最后三个月大幅增长。

The company said on Tuesday that it sold 484,500 cars in the fourth quarter, up from 435,000 in the third quarter and 405,000 in the fourth quarter of 2022. For the full year, Tesla sold 1.8 million vehicles. The gains put Tesla on track to sell more than two million cars in 2024, potentially overtaking established carmakers like Mercedes-Benz and Renault.

该公司周二表示,第四季度销量为 484,500 辆,高于 2022 年第三季度的 435,000 辆和第四季度的 405,000 辆。特斯拉全年销量为 180 万辆。这些收益使特斯拉有望在 2024 年销售超过 200 万辆汽车,有可能超越梅赛德斯-奔驰和雷诺等老牌汽车制造商。

The rebound in sales during the fourth quarter should help calm investor concerns about whether Tesla can defend its dominance of the market for electric vehicles as it faces increased competition from traditional carmakers.


During the last year, Tesla has lost market share to rivals like General Motors, Hyundai, Ford Motor and Volkswagen as they introduced more electric vehicles. Tesla accounts for half the electric cars sold in the United States. In 2022, Tesla accounted for two-thirds of the market.


Another electric vehicle maker, Rivian, said on Tuesday that it sold nearly 14,000 vehicles in the last three months of the year. That number was up substantially from a year earlier but down about 10 percent from the third quarter.

另一家电动汽车制造商 Rivian 周二表示,今年最后三个月销售了近 14,000 辆汽车。这一数字较去年同期大幅上升,但较第三季度下降约 10%。

In China, the largest market for electric cars, Tesla faces intense competition from BYD and other Chinese automakers. BYD sold 526,000 fully electric cars worldwide in the fourth quarter, exceeding Tesla, a milestone that many auto analysts had been expecting given the Chinese company’s rapid growth.

在中国这个最大的电动汽车市场,特斯拉面临着比亚迪和其他中国汽车制造商的激烈竞争。比亚迪第四季度在全球售出 526,000 辆纯电动汽车,超过特斯拉,鉴于这家中国公司的快速增长,许多汽车分析师一直预计这是一个里程碑。

Chinese automakers have moved faster in offering a wide range of affordable electric models as the market has expanded beyond the affluent early adopters of technology. They are the core customers who have bought Teslas for as long as the company has been around.


“The customers who are buying E.V.s now are second adopters, who have fundamentally different needs,” said Shay Natarajan, a partner at Mobility Impact Partners, a private equity fund focused on investing in sustainable transportation. “They care about tangible and immediately realizable decreases in total cost of ownership, and they care about convenience.”

“现在购买电动汽车的客户是第二次采用者,他们的需求根本不同,”专注于投资可持续交通的私募股权基金 Mobility Impact Partners 的合伙人 Shay Natarajan 表示。“他们关心的是有形且可立即实现的总体拥有成本的降低,而且他们关心的是便利性。”

In Europe, Volkswagen and its Audi and Skoda divisions sell more electric vehicles than Tesla, although the Tesla Model Y is by far the best-selling model on the continent, according to data compiled by Schmidt Automotive Research.

根据施密特汽车研究公司汇编的数据,尽管特斯拉 Model Y 是迄今为止欧洲大陆最畅销的车型,但在欧洲,大众及其奥迪和斯柯达部门的电动汽车销量超过了特斯拉。

In the United States, people interested in buying an electric car had a strong incentive to take delivery before the end of the year because of new rules intended to cut China out of the supply chain.


Tesla had warned on its website that the two least expensive versions of its Model 3 sedan would no longer qualify for $7,500 federal tax credits after Dec. 31. The cars have batteries made in China. Germany and some other European countries have also rolled back subsidies for electric vehicle buyers.

特斯拉在其网站上警告称,12 月 31 日之后,两款最便宜的 Model 3 轿车版本将不再有资格获得 7,500 美元的联邦税收抵免。这些汽车的电池是在中国制造的。德国和其他一些欧洲国家也取消了对电动汽车购买者的补贴。

To maintain sales, Tesla cut prices, offering Model 3s on its website for well under $30,000 after factoring in the tax credits. By late December, the number of lower-priced cars listed on the website appeared to have dwindled, suggesting that the strategy had succeeded. But the price reductions cut into Tesla profits, which fell 44 percent in the third quarter from a year earlier.

为了维持销量,特斯拉降价,在考虑税收抵免后,其网站上的 Model 3 售价远低于 3 万美元。到 12 月底,网站上列出的低价汽车数量似乎有所减少,这表明该策略已经成功。但降价削减了特斯拉的利润,第三季度的利润同比下降了 44%。

Tesla said it would announce earnings for the fourth quarter of 2023 on Jan. 24.

特斯拉表示将于 1 月 24 日公布 2023 年第四季度财报。

While fewer Teslas will qualify for federal tax credits in 2024, the company is in a better position than most of its competitors. The Performance version of the Model 3, which includes upgraded wheels and brakes, will remain eligible for the subsidy, as will all versions of the Model Y sport utility vehicle, according to a federal government website. Tesla makes batteries for those cars at a Nevada plant operated with Panasonic, allowing it to meet domestic manufacturing requirements.

尽管 2024 年有资格获得联邦税收抵免的特斯拉汽车数量有所减少,但该公司比大多数竞争对手处于更有利的地位。据联邦政府网站称,包括升级车轮和制动器的 Model 3 性能版将继续享受补贴,所有版本的 Model Y 运动型多用途车也将继续享受补贴。特斯拉在内华达州与松下运营的工厂生产这些汽车的电池,使其能够满足国内的制造要求。

That gives Tesla a significant advantage over competitors like Ford, which has said that its Mustang Mach-E sport utility vehicle will not qualify for the credit in the new year.

这使特斯拉相对于福特等竞争对手具有显着优势,福特表示其野马 Mach-E 运动型多功能车在新的一年将没有资格获得该抵免额。

Ford and others rely on manufacturers in China for crucial components. Ford is building battery factories in the United States, but they will not begin producing until 2025.

General Motors has been building batteries at a new factory in Ohio, but has struggled to get the plant operating at full capacity. Initially only the Chevrolet Bolt will qualify for tax credits, G.M. said in December. The Cadillac Lyriq and electric Chevrolet Blazer will no longer be eligible.

福特和其他公司依赖中国制造商生产关键零部件。福特正在美国建设电池工厂,但要到 2025 年才会开始生产。

通用汽车一直在俄亥俄州的一家新工厂生产电池,但一直难以让该工厂满负荷运转。通用汽车去年 12 月表示,最初只有雪佛兰 Bolt 有资格获得税收抵免。凯迪拉克 Lyriq 和电动雪佛兰 Blazer 将不再符合资格。

G.M. has said it is adjusting its supply chain so that those and other vehicles, including electric versions of the Chevrolet Silverado pickup and Equinox sport utility vehicle, will become eligible early in the year.

Tesla and other carmakers may also benefit from lower interest rates in the new year. Investors are betting that the Federal Reserve and other central banks will start to ratchet down rates as inflation cools.

通用汽车表示,正在调整其供应链,以便这些车辆和其他车辆,包括雪佛兰索罗德皮卡和 Equinox 运动型多用途车的电动版本,将在今年年初获得资格。




