

2024-01-13 16:00:52 全球排行榜123网 公司


【华为汽车】太牛了!美媒CNN报道:华为汽车太强特斯拉被迫降价(附2024年最新排行榜前十排名名单):Huawei launches its rival to Tesla’s Model S华为推出特斯拉 Model S 竞争对手What Huawei's latest fall……全球排行榜123网www.vai8.com)小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解对你有所帮助!


Huawei launches its rival to Tesla’s Model S

华为推出特斯拉 Model S 竞争对手


What Huawei's latest fall line means for the tech giant


Huawei has launched a new electric vehicle (EV) that is designed to take on Elon Musk’s Tesla.

华为推出了一款新型电动汽车(EV),旨在挑战埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的特斯拉。

The Chinese tech giant began taking preorders of the Luxeed S7, its first sedan, on Thursday. Previously, it had sold SUVs.

这家中国科技巨头周四开始接受其首款轿车 Luxeed S7 的预订。此前,该公司曾销售SUV。

The car, which has developed with Chinese automaker Chery, has a starting price of 258,000 yuan ($35,400) during the presales period. Regular sales will begin on November 28, the company said at a press conference on Thursday.

该车 与中国汽车制造商奇瑞共同开发,预售期间起售价为 258,000 元人民币(35,400 美元)。该公司在周四的新闻发布会上表示,常规销售将于 11 月 28 日开始。

Richard Yu, the company’s consumer chief, unveiled the sleek four-wheeler onstage in the megacity of Shenzhen, saying it was equipped with a powerful high-voltage battery pack. He has previously said the S7 would surpass Tesla’s (TSLA) Model S “in every specification.”

该公司消费者业务负责人余承东在大城市深圳的舞台上展示了​这款时尚的四轮车,并表示它配备了强大的高压电池组。他此前曾表示,S7 “在所有规格上” 都将超越特斯拉 ( TSLA ) 的 Model S。


Huawei's new electric sedan, the Luxeed S7 华为新款电动轿车Luxeed S7

The comparison may be a bit of a stretch, says Mark Rainford, an automotive industry commentator based in Shanghai who hosts the YouTube channel “Inside China Auto.”

驻上海的汽车行业评论员、YouTube 频道“Inside China Auto”的主持人 Mark Rainford 表示,这种比较可能有点牵强。

“In all honesty, I think comparisons with the Model S may be a bit ambitious on most metrics that I can find information for,” he told CNN, noting that some performance metrics had not been fully released.

“老实说,我认为在我能找到的信息中的大多数指标上与 Model S 进行比较可能有点过于雄心勃勃,”他告诉 CNN,并指出一些性能指标尚未完全发布。

“Where the S7 does stand out though is the 800-volt platform, which should enable very fast charging. Tesla [doesn’t] yet use an 800-volt platform, so the S7 will have an edge in this area,” Rainford said.

“S7 确实脱颖而出的是 800 伏平台,它应该能够实现非常快速的充电。特斯拉[尚未]尚未使用 800 伏平台,因此 S7 将在这一领域具有优势,”Rainford 说。

The S7’s 800-volt battery pack, the thinnest in the industry according to Yu, is made by Chinese EV battery giant CATL.


A 15-minute charge will yield a driving range of 400 kilometers (249 miles), according to Yu, which surpasses the 347-kilometer range (about 216 miles) for Tesla’s Model S after a similar charging period.

Yu 表示,充电 15 分钟即可行驶 400 公里(249 英里),这超过了特斯拉 Model S 在类似充电时间后的 347 公里(约 216 英里)行驶里程。

“Our range exceeds the level of our peers,” he added.


The US automaker, which no longer maintains a public relations team, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Rainford said while the range comparison had not been tested, it was possible due to the battery.


Tesla may have an advantage because of its strong Supercharger network in China, which has many stations, he said.

他表示,特斯拉可能拥有优势,因为其 在中国拥有强大的超级充电站网络,拥有许多充电站。

“Ease of finding a good charger … is of as much importance as its ability,” Rainford said.


However, at the equivalent of $35,400, the S7 is much cheaper than the most basic Model S, which costs 698,900 yuan or $95,800 in China.

然而,S7 的售价相当于 35,400 美元,比最基本的 Model S便宜得多,后者在中国的售价为 698,900 元人民币或 95,800 美元。

Tesla has been forced to slash prices in China recently in response to rising competition in the world’s biggest auto market.

为了应对全球最大汽车市场日益激烈的竞争, 特斯拉最近被迫在中国大幅降价。

Automotive push


Although Huawei first made its name as a tech and telecoms giant, it has been hobbled in recent years by US export restrictions, which sent the company into a tailspin.


This year, it has made no secret of its ambition to make a comeback — and create a splash in the car world. It launched its first EV in 2021.

今年,它毫不掩饰其卷土重来的雄心——并在汽车界引起轰动。它于 2021 年推出了首款电动汽车。

At a September event, the company teased the release of the S7 as well as the Aito M9, an electric SUV developed with another Chinese automaker, Seres.

在 9 月份的一次活动中,该公司预告了 S7 以及与另一家中国汽车制造商 Seres 开发的电动 SUV Aito M9 的发布。

Yu said at the launch event that an upgraded version of the Aito M7, which was first released last year, had received more than 86,000 preorders in just 50 days.

于在发布会上表示,去年首次发布的Aito M7的升级版,在短短50天内就收到了超过86,000份预订。

The S7 caters to female consumers — with a designated cosmetics drawer, mirror for touching up makeup and a place to stash away high heels when they’re ditched in favor of flat shoes for driving — according to Huawei.




